

The Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte list publications in German history in its entirety from the beginnings in the Roman era to the present. Publications including 2015 as publishing year are reconsidered. The volumes up to year under review 1990 cover literature on the span from the early Middle Ages to the end of World War II.


The territorial definition varies with the time period under scrutiny.



 Territorial delimination

From Christ's birth to 6th century

Roman provinces as well as the settlement areas of the Germanic and Slavic tribes in what was to become the territory of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

6th to the middle of 10th century

Comprising the literature on those territories that, after the division of Francia in 843, formed what was later called East Francia or belonged to the northern and central regions of the kingdom of Lothar I.

Middle of 10th to the beginning of 19th century

The profile essentially corresponds to the respective territorial configurations of the Regnum Teutonicorum or Holy Roman Empire, excluding the Italian regions.


Literature pertaining to the history of the Habsburg Empire is recorded when territories within the Empire are concerned.


The history of Switzerland after 1500 and that of the Netherlands after 1579 no longer count among the profile’s subject matter - with the exception of the Austrian Netherlands in the 18th century.

Territories outside the Empire which became part of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1703 are considered, however.

1806 to 1918

The borders of the Old Empire’s successor states, or those of the German Confederation, founded in 1815, and of the Kingdom of Prussia define the scope. The history of Austria after 1866 is not recorded (except for the later years 1938 to 1945.)


From 1866 to 1871 the North German Confederation and the southern German states, from 1871 to the end of World War 1918 the German Empire in its  borders with colonies respective temprary occupied territories constitute the relevant geographical area.

1918 to present

From 1918 to 1945 varying expansion of the German Empire and his temporary occupied territories.


For the period since 1945 the Jahresberichte list literature on the history of the occupation zones and the two German states, and, from 1990 on, the Federal Republic of Germany.


Please find the list of border territories here.


Publications on territories and countries occupied by Germany are considered if they deal with the German occupation policies or reactions to them. This applies accordingly to the colonies. Works in European and world history with significant reference to Germany are also considered. Publications concerned with the history of German minorities abroad are registered only if they cover relations with Germany.


As indicated by the main subject categories – Reference works; General works; Regional topics; Politics; Governance, law and administration; Political and social movements; Military and wars; Religions and churches; Economy; Population and settlement; Society and conditions of life; Education; Academic affairs and technology; Culture, art, ideas; Journalism and media – the bibliography’s profile covers a wide content range; it is based on a broad notion of society.


Subject indexing was realized by working with JDG's specialized classification and with subject headings, fitting the subject authority file (SWD) of the German State Library. Get more information on subject indexing here.




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