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Online database

The electronic Jahresberichte database (years under review 1963 ff. as of March 2014) has been accessible on the Internet since the beginning of 2003. For more than a decade, the database has served as the foundation for the Jahresberichte in all of its formats. Beginning for der year under review 2009, it completely replaces the book edition. Besides the general advantages of searching in the online database, Jahresberichte online provides these features:

  • Holding information for monographs and periodicals can easily be gathered by means of the links in the individual record to the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog, KVK) and to the journal database Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB).
  • Edited volumes and the contributions contained therein are interlinked.
  • Entries include links to online reviews.
  • Entries for articles in online journals are supplied with URN or DOI links to abstracts or full texts if possible.
  • Individual retrieval results can be printed out as a list or sent by email.

The Jahresberichte book edition

Since its first appearance in 1927 the Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte as a printed bibliography documented literature pertaining to German history from year under review 1925 up to the present – albeit with gaps caused by the wars and not always exhaustive. Volumes 1 to 16 correspond to the years under review 1925 to 1940. The new Jahresberichte series begins in 1952 with the year under review 1949 and ends in 2009 with the year under review 2008. The number of entries rose significantly in the last years of the publication of the book edition. While in the 1970s and 80s on average 6000 to 7000 items were listed per volume, the volumes for the years under review 2002 to 2008 listed well over 20,000 items each.

The arrangement of entries, which follows a specific Jahresberichte classification, as well as the author index and a title index, the subject index, which also contains place names, persons and corporate bodies, all serve indexing.

With volume 60 for the year under review 2008, which appeared in 2009, the publication of the book edition has been discontinued.

Jahresberichte CD-ROM edition

Before the online service was launched the Jahresberichte database appeared in six editions on CD-ROM. The last edition, that of 2002, listed more than 170,000 entries for the years under review 1986 to 2000.





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