Overview on the most aspects of searching the database. For more sophisticated and detailed explanations please contact us.
Database queries (Simple search)
The simple access offers a comprehensive search for involved persons (author etc.), publication title, catch- and keywords as well as for series and journal titles. Examples: Humboldt; Aufklärung; Weltkrieg. There's no automatic truncation but you can close a search term with question mark (?).
Database queries (Combined search)
In the first fields you are able to combine searchterms with each other. The default boolean option is "AND". If you want to use 'OR" just switch to it. With the 'Index'-Button you have the opportunity to browse alphabetic lists related to the different search categories and access certain datasets. This is useful if you don't know the right spelling of a term or a name.
Search categories
- Catchword(s): Search for a) a catchword from a publications title – examples: Debatte, Wandel as well as b) for subject heading – examples: Ost-West-Konflikt; Erinnerungskultur. Truncation with question mark (?).
- Author etc.: Name of a person who is in any way involved in the publication process (author, editor, collaborator etc.) but NOT related of the content (use the subject heading search instead). Form: Last name, first name (except premodern names). If parts of names were typed in, either all persons having this string in their names will be shown in the search result or you’ll be forwarded to the index. Examples: Brandt, Willy: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von; Friedrich II., König von Preußen. Truncation with question mark (?).
- Initial title element: Search for the beginning of a title WITHOUT consideration of (in)definite articles - automatic truncation. Examples: German catholics and …; ¬The¬ war against …; ¬A¬ history of … Exception: Quotations - Example: "A different family story".
- Subject heading: The publications content is indexed by usage of a controlled vocabulary. Search for one subject heading or more (Types: topic, person, institution, place and historical event). Examples: Emotionen; Kant, Immanuel; RAF; Preußen (Königreich); Zweiter Weltkrieg. Truncation with question mark (?).
- Series title: Search for a series title, which volumes are more or less published regularly, WITHOUT consideration of (in)definite articles. Examples: Contributions in women's studies; ¬A¬ history of Europe.
- Journal title: Search for a journal title WITHOUT consideration of (in)definite articles. Examples: History and theory; Journal of interdisciplinary history
- Publishing house: Search for publications of a certain publishing house. If more then one is involved, search for the first mentioned one. (Tip: Alternative search via ISBN-Segment) Examples: Akademie-Verl. (auch Akademie Verl. Oder Akad.-Verl.); Ed. du Cerf; Österr. Akad. der Wiss.
- ISBN / ISSN: Entry of a explicit persistent identifier in form of ISBN (International Standard Book Number) or ISSN (International Standard Series Number). 13-part ISBN is the standard for new publications (since 2007). For older ones please reconsider the 10-part ISBN. Attention: ISBN/ISSN must be entered either with their official dashes or with spaces at the respective places! Examples: 978-3-486-55728-2;
; 0016-9056
Tip: ISBN-Search gives the opportunity to receive the certain publications of any publishing house. Examples: 978-3-0500-... - Publications of Akademie-Verl.; 978-0-19-... - Publications of Oxford Univ. Press. - Notation: Search via combined notation – consisting of chronology and subject group), added by reference area, as well as formal and functional document type (Attention: This is only valid in case of the new notation for publications referenced since 2004; old notations only consist of chronology and subject group). Examples: B 01-0-DA-MO; R 02.0-1-QE-MO; T 02.02.
Search filter
With the Pull-Down-Menues in the second section you can decide with which formal criteria should the used for narrowing down the query.
- Year of publication: Filtering off a certain year or a year period. Form: YYYY; YYYY - YYYY; YYYY -; - YYYY; > YYYY; < YYYY. Examples: 2005; 1990-2010; 2000-; -1989; >1945; <1517.
- Language: A growing number of publications (or parts of them) are written in more than one language. Consequence: A strict result in using language filter is nearly impossible.
- Document type: Differentiation between content-functional and formal criteria from bibliographically independent works and component parts. Specialities:
- Specialized encyclopædia: includes handbooks, biographical encyclopædias, historical atlases and almanacs, gazetteers and statistical reference texts
- Bibliography: includes research reports, personal bibliographies, journal content indices
- Source edition: including research documentations
- Electronic Text: Online documents or digital documents stored on local media
- Specialized encyclopædia: includes handbooks, biographical encyclopædias, historical atlases and almanacs, gazetteers and statistical reference texts
- Chronology: Searchfilter for the isolation of the results considering a longer time period, characterized by joint features. The division of the chronology is based on historical events, determinated by the scientific community.
- Subject group: Searchfilter for the isolation of the results considering a certain topic on the basis of the JDG-Classification.
- Reference year:Searchfilter for the isolation of the results considering a certain reference year or a time span of JDG reference work. Form: YYYY; YYYY - YYYY; YYYY -; - YYYY; > YYYY; < YYYY.
Search results
- Results short list: Overview of search results bey offering options for sorting by publication year, author or title. Direct access to the full record of a publication is possible by clicking on the title
- Full record(s): Sort options by publication year, author or title. For further research esp. for location evidence direct connections to KVK, ZDB and/or EZB are provided and shown in form of special icons (document type specific). Dataexport to reference management software like Citavi and Zotero is provided via OpenURL/COinS or even possible in a direct way (Bibsonomy) – an installation of a special browser plugin and / or account registrations may be necessary before.