
Give us your opinion!


Your personal opinion and advices on JDG's information services are very important for us - in the end for making them continuously better and better: for you, with you. So please don't hesitate to contact us for commendation, critique, helpful suggestions and more. This can be in cases of contents as well es for technical reasions. Furthermore we want to show our  openness for interesting and successful cooperations. In the following we want to give some detailed notes on the thre aspects combined with concrete named contact persons.

Contents feedback

Do you miss one (or even more) publication(s) in the database, which fits into the profile of the Jahresberichte? Do you want to notify us of a publication you have written, for demonstrating it in the database? ...


Your contact for all general and specific content-related questions: Detlef Gritzke


Please use - if considered meaningful - the contact option, intigrated in the single datasets:

Do you have detected a typing error, an objective mistake, broken links etc. in a single dataset? There you have a direct contact option via special button. When you click on it, your mailclient (like Thunderbird) will be started by writing all relevant information for the dataset- identification in a new mail. The benefits: You don't have to write such information down anymore and we can easily identify the affected dataset to follow up your advice(s). We explicitly recommend this way of contact.   

Technics feedback

Is the database very slow or even not available at all? Is a certain function faulty or not available where you are expecting it? ...


Your contact for all technical issues: Matti Stöhr

Cooperation feedback

Are you interested in a cooperation with the Jahresberichte? Do you want to reuse a large data volume of the JDG's database or could your data be of our interest? Do you have a fascinating project idea, for which you want to gain the JDG as a partner for realisation? ...


Your contact for all general and specific questions on cooperation aspects: Detlef Gritzke




    Phone: +49 (0)30 20370 0

    Berlin-Brandenburg Academy
    of Science and Humanities

    Jägerstrasse 22/23
    10117 Berlin