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Schlagworte: Strauss, Leo

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Ausgewählte Schlagworte:
Strauss, Leo

Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 22

  1. The crisis of German historicism : the early political thought of Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss (2015)
  2. De la bonne société : L. Strauss, E. Voegelin, H. Arendt: le retour du politique en philosophie (2014)
  3. Leo Strauss on the borders of Judaism, philosophy, and history (2015)
  4. Leo Strauss : man of peace (2014)
  5. "Von der Geschichte zur Natur" : die Politische Hermeneutik von Leo Strauss (2013)
  6. Leo Strauss and the problem of political philosophy (2014)
  7. After Leo Strauss : new directions in platonic political philosophy / Landy, Tucker (2014)
  8. The future of illusion : political theology and early modern texts (2014)
  9. Recovering Hegel from the critique of Leo Strauss : the virtues of modernity / Craig, Barry (2014)
  10. Weimar in Amerika : Leo Strauss' Politische Philosophie (2013)
  11. Leo Strauss's defense of the philosophic life : reading "What is political philosophy?" / Major, Rafael (2013)
  12. Nachdenken über Geschichte : Hegel, Droysen, Troeltsch, Löwith, Strauss (2013)
  13. The enduring importance of Leo Strauss (2013)
  14. Leo Strauss and the rediscovery of Maimonides / Green, Kenneth Hart (2013)
  15. Philosophie und Hermeneutik bei Leo Strauss : die Kritik an der Moderne und das Streben nach Wiedereröffnung des natürlichen Horizonts der antiken griechischen Philosophe / Huber, Thomas (2011)
  16. Fin de la philosophie politique? : Hannah Arendt contre Leo Strauss (2012)
  17. Heidegger, Strauss, and the premises of philosophy on original forgetting / Velkley, Richard L. (2011)
  18. Reason and revelation before historicism : Strauss and Fackenheim (2011)
  19. The Cambridge companion to Leo Strauss (2009)
  20. Modernity and what has been lost : Considerations on the legacy of Leo Strauss / Armada, Paweł; Górnisiewicz, Arkadiusz (2011)
  21. Modernité et sécularisation : Hans Blumenberg, Karl Löwith, Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss / Foessel, Micha·el (2007)
  22. Between Athens and Jerusalem : Philosophy, prophecy, and politics in Leo Strauss's early thought / Janssens, David (2008)