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Schlagworte: Geschichtsrevisionismus
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Hi Hitler! : how the Nazi past is being normalized in contemporary culture
"Nuovi studi" contro il revisionismo : la storiografia olocaustica alla deriva
Mattogno, Carlo (2014)
Denying history : Who says the Holocaust never happened and why do they say it?
Grobman, Alex (2009)
Storiografia e decadenza
Institutsgeschichten - "Opfergold"
Schlingel, Anthony (2011)
Holocaust-Revisionismus : Ideologie oder Wissenschaft
Ben Nescher, Raphael (2010)
Holocaust-Revisionismus : Ideologie oder Wissenschaft
Ben Nescher, Raphael (2011)
The abuse of Holocaust memory : Distortions and responses in Holocaust denial
Gerstenfeld, Manfred (2010)
A straight look at the Third Reich : Hitler and National Socialism, how right? how wrong?
Analysen und Essays : Extreme Rechte, Geschichtspolitik, Antisemitismus, Poststrukturalismus
Schobert, Alfred;
Dietzsch, Michael;
Jäger, Siegfried (2009)
Auschwitz: assistenza sanitaria, "selezione" e "Sonderbehandlung" dei detenuti immatricolati
Mattogno, Carlo (2010)
Le camere a gas di Auschwitz : Studio storico-tecnico sugli "indizi criminali" di Jean-Claude Pressac e sulla "convergenza di prove" di Robert Jan van Pelt
Mattogno, Carlo (2009)
Auschwitz : Forensisch untersucht
Cox, Cyrus (2008)
Holocaustica religio : Fondamenti di un paradigma