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Schlagworte: Philosophische Psychologie

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Ausgewählte Schlagworte:
Philosophische Psychologie

Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 6

  1. Nietzsche's dynamic metapsychology : this uncanny animal (2014)
  2. Vers une philosophie scientifique : le programme de Brentano / Niveleau, Charles-Edouard (2014)
  3. The fractured self in Freud and German philosophy / Altman, Matthew C.; Coe, Cynthia D. (2013)
  4. From psychology to phenomenology : Franz Brentano's Psychology from an empirical standpoint and contemporary philosophy of mind (2012)
  5. Intellectual traditions at the medieval university : the use of philosophical psychology in Trinitarian theology among the Franciscans and Dominicans, 1250 - 1350 / Friedman, Russell L. (2012-IV)
  6. A constelaçao do sonho em Walter Benjamin / Bretas, Aléxia (2008)