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Schlagworte: Großbritannien

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: Mehr als 200

  1. The secret listeners : How the Y Service intercepted the secret German codes for Bletchley Park / MacKay, Sinclair (2012)
  2. Preparing for blockade 1885 - 1914 : naval contingency for economic warfare / Cobb, Stephen (2013)
  3. Anglo-German relations and the Protestant cause : Elizabethan foreign policy and Pan-Protestantism / Gehring, David Scott (2013)
  4. Vergiss nie, dass Du ein jüdisches Kind bist : der Kindertransport nach England 1938/39 / Wexberg-Kubesch, Anna (2013)
  5. The race for Hitler's X-planes : Britain's 1945 mission to capture secret Luftwaffe technology (2013)
  6. Medicine, morality and political culture : Legislation on venereal disease in five Northern European countries, c. 1870 - c. 1995 (2012)
  7. The phantom army of Alamein : How Operation Bertram and the Camouflage Unit hoodwinked Rommel (2012)
  8. Das Soziale ordnen : Sozialwissenschaften und gesellschaftliche Ungleichheit im 20. Jahrhundert / Reinecke, Christiane; Mergel, Thomas (2012)
  9. Paradoxes of internationalization : British and German trade unions at Ford and General Motors 1967 - 2000 (2012)
  10. The lion and the eagle : Anglo-German naval confrontation in the Imperial era ; 1815 - 1919 / Gregory, David (2012)
  11. Wirken in Wendezeiten : 40 Jahre Mid-Atlantic Clubs ; Festschrift gewidmet den MAC Gründern und Lenkern H. W. Lessing und Dr. F. Krüger-Sprengel / Timmermann, Martina; Krüger-Sprengel, Friedhelm (2013)
  12. "Und wir verrosten im Hafen" : Deutschland, Großbritannien und der Krieg zur See ; 1914 - 1918 (2013)
  13. Oh German! I thought there was something wrong with you : West Germany in British perceptions, 1969 - 1975 / Heinz, Alexander (2013)
  14. The historical imagination in nineteenth-century Britain and the Low Countries (2013)
  15. Dogfight : the Battle of Britain (2013)
  16. Britain, Germany and the road to the Holocaust : British attitudes towards Nazi atrocities / Wallis, Russell (2013)
  17. English and German nationalist and anti-Semitic discourse, 1871 - 1945 / Horan, Geraldine Theresa; Rash, Felicity; Wildmann, Daniel (2013)
  18. Metternich's Britain / Siemann, Wolfram (2012)
  19. Enseigner le nazisme et la Shoah : une étude comparée des manuels scolaires en Europe / Lécureur, Bertrand (2012)
  20. Wahlen in der transatlantischen Moderne / Gatzka, Claudia Christiane (2013)
  21. British artillery on the Western Front in the First World War : "the infantry cannot do with a gun less" (2013)
  22. Thinking the unthinkable : the lives of Royal Air Force and East German fast-jet pilots in the Cold War (2012)
  23. German-speaking exiles in the performing arts in Britain after 1933 / Brinson, Charmian; Dove, Richard (2013)
  24. Slaughter on the Somme : 1 July 1916 ; the complete war diaries of the British Army's worst day / Mitchell, Sarah; Mace, Martin; Grehan, John (2013)
  25. Watching the enemy : Propagandafilme im Zweiten Weltkrieg / Strömsdörfer, Hans (2013)
  26. Versal'sko-Vašingtonskaja meždunarodno-pravovaja sistema : vozniknovenie, razvitie, krizis, 1919 - 1939 gg. ; sbornik statej ; vystuplenij na meždunarodnom forume, organizovannom Institutom Vseobščej Istorii RAN 23 sentjabrja 2009 g. (2011)
  27. To crown the waves : the great navies of the First World War / Dickson, W. David; Worth, Richard (2013)
  28. Current problems in the protection of human rights : perspectives from Germany and the UK / Ziegler, Katja S.; Huber, Peter M. (2013)
  29. Warfare-welfare : intervento dello Stato e diritti dei cittadini (1914 - 1918) (2013)
  30. Enterprise and technology : the German and British steel industries, 1865 - 1895 / Wengenroth, Ulrich (2009)
  31. The politics of opera in Handel's Britain (2013)
  32. Contemporary Polish migrant culture and literature in Germany, Ireland, and the UK / Rostek, Joanna (2011)
  33. British images of Germany : admiration, antagonism & ambivalence, 1860 - 1914 / Scully, Richard (2012)
  34. Dönitz, U-boats, convoys : the British version of his memoirs from the Admiralty's secret anti-submarine reports (2013)
  35. Noble endeavours : the life of two countries, England and Germany, in many stories (2013)
  36. The live bait squadron : three massgraves off the Dutch coast ; 22 September 1914 / Linden, Henk H. M. van der (2013)
  37. Gentleman spymaster : How Lt. Col. Tommy 'Tar' Robertson double-crossed the Nazis / Elliott, Geoffrey (2011)
  38. Prisoners of Britain : German civilian and combatant internees during the First World War / Panayi, Panikos (2012)
  39. The Kaiser's pirates : hunting Germany's raiding cruisers, 1914 - 1915 / Hewitt, Charles N. (2013)
  40. La traque du Bismarck : les derniers jours d'un mythe (2013)
  41. The business of waste : Great Britain and Germany, 1945 to the present / Köster, Roman (2013)
  42. Music wars : 1937 - 1945 / Bade, Patrick (2012)
  43. German forces and the British Army : interactions and perceptions, 1742 - 1815 (2013)
  44. Deserter : the last untold story of the Second World War / Glass, Charles (2013)
  45. Propaganda nera : guerra psicologica inglese contro le forze dell'Asse (c2012)
  46. The inspirational genius of Germany : British art and Germanism, 1850 - 1939 (2012)
  47. The invention of industrial pasts : heritage, political culture and economic debates in Great Britain and Germany ; 1850 - 2010 / Itzen, Peter; Müller, Christian (2013)
  48. Muddling through : the organisation of British army chaplaincy in World War One / Howson, Peter (2013)
  49. Churchill's secret defence army : resisting the Nazi invader / Ward, Arthur (2013)
  50. Second World War infantry tactics / Bull, Stephen (2012)
  51. Churchill et Hitler (2012)
  52. Hitler's ghost ships : Graf Spee, Scharnhorst and disguised German raiders (2012)
  53. Britain, Ireland, and Continental Europe in the eighteenth century : similarities, connections, identities / Conway, Stephen (2011)
  54. Women in war : from home front to front line / Lee, Celia; Strong, Paul Edward (2012)
  55. Révisionnisme allemand et puissances occidentales entre 1919 et 1939 / Létourneau, Paul (2006)
  56. Defeating Hitler : Whitehall's secret report on why Hitler lost the war / Winter, Paul (2012)
  57. A Lutheran plague : murdering to die in the eighteenth century (2012)
  58. Food supply, demand and trade : aspects of the economic relationship between town and countryside (Middle Ages - 19th century) / Cruyningen, P. J. van; Thoen, Erik (2012)
  59. The pursuit of the Nazi mind : Hitler, Hess, and the analysts / Pick, Daniel (2012)
  60. The Royal Navy and the German threat 1901-1914 : admiralty plans to protect British trade in a war against Germany (2012)
  61. Oorlogsvlieger Jan Linzel / Houter, Jan (2012)
  62. Put' k vojne : Razvitie anglo-germanskogo konflikta 1898 - 1914 gg. / Romanova, Ekaterina V. (2008)
  63. Playing the game : the British junior infantry officer on the Western Front, 1914 - 18 (2010)
  64. The political construction of business interests : coordination, growth, and equality (2012)
  65. A nurse at the front : the Great War diaries of Sister Edith Appleton (2012)
  66. Cultural industries in Britain and Germany : sport, music and entertainment from the eighteenth to the twentieth century / Eisenberg, Christiane; Gestrich, Andreas (2012)
  67. Towards a market in broadcasting : communications policy in the UK and Germany (2012)
  68. Adolf's British holiday snaps : Luftwaffe aerial reconnaissance photographs of England, Scotland and Wales (2012)
  69. The Royal Navy and the German threat, 1901 - 1914 : admiralty plans to protect British trade in a war against Germany / Seligmann, Matthew S. (2012)
  70. Il ruolo degli Stati Uniti d'America e della Gran Bretagna nella Seconda Guerra mondiale : Perché gli alleati hanno vinto la Seconda Guerra mondiale / Susic, Mira (c2010)
  71. Blitz kids : the children's war against Hitler (2012)
  72. The legacies of two world wars : European societies in the twentieth century / Kettenacker, Lothar; Riotte, Torsten (2011)
  73. Winning and losing on the Western Front : the British Third Army and the defeat of Germany in 1918 / Boff, Jonathan (2012)
  74. Uporstvo protiv sily : germano-anglijskoe morskoe protivostojanie v 1900 - 1914 gg. ; monografija / Sinegubov, S. N. (2009)
  75. Neoliberal developments in higher education : the United Kingdom and Germany / Pritchard, Rosalind M. O. (2011)
  76. The hunters and the hunted / Perrett, Bryan (2012)
  77. Documents on British policy overseas. - Ser. 3 / Hamilton, Keith; Salmon, Patrick; Twigge, Stephen (2012)
  78. On the fringes of diplomacy : influences on British foreign policy, 1800 - 1945 (2011)
  79. Church, nation and race : Catholics and Antisemitism in Germany and England, 1918 - 45 / Ehret, Ulrike (2012)
  80. Iran als Spielball der Mächte? : Die internationalen Verflechtungen des Iran unter Reza Schah und die anglo-sowjetische Invasion 1941 (2011)
  81. Classical culture and modern masculinity / Orrells, Daniel (2011)
  82. The blitz : The British under attack / Gardiner, Juliet (2010)
  83. Hybrid cultures - nervous states : Britain and Germany in a (post)colonial world / Lindner, Ulrike (2011)
  84. Last of the few : The Battle of Britain in the words of the pilots who won it (2010)
  85. "Diplomaten in Hemdsärmeln"? : Auslandskorrespondenten als Akteure in den deutsch-britischen Beziehungen, 1945 - 1962 (2010)
  86. The great German escape : Uprising of Hitler's Nazis in Britain's POW camps (2009)
  87. Leben in zwei Welten : Tagebücher eines jüdischen Paares in Deutschland und im Exil / Rosenfeld, Siegfried; Krauss, Marita (2011)
  88. The year that never was : Heath, the Nixon administration and the year of Europe (2009)
  89. Ordnungen des Verkehrs : Arbeit an der Moderne - deutsche und britische Verkehrsexpertise im 20. Jahrhundert / Schlimm, Anette (2011)
  90. Barbed wire disease : British & German prisoners of war, 1914 - 18 / Yarnall, John (2011)
  91. Die britische Gewerkschaftspolitik in der britischen Besatzungszone, 1945 - 1949 / Ingenbleek, Anja (2010)
  92. Iranskij uzel : Schvatka razvedok 1936 - 1945 gg. (2009)
  93. Camp Z : The secret life of Rudolf Hess / MacGinty, Stephen (2011)
  94. Rudolf Hess : The British illusion of peace / Harris, John (2010)
  95. The Luftwaffe's blitz : The inside story, november 1940 - may 1941 / Goss, Chris (2010)
  96. Finding the foe : Outstanding Luftwaffe mysteries of the battle of Britain and beyond investigated and solved / Saunders, Andy (2010)
  97. Die Rückkehr der "Großen Männer" = Bringing personality back in : Staatsmänner im Krieg ; Ein deutsch-britischer Vergleich / Urbach, Karina (2010)
  98. Merry Old England? : Studien zur britischen und deutschen Geschichte ; Festschrift für Otfried Dankelmann zum 70. Geburtstag am 25. November 2006 (2006)
  99. Kryengritja shqiptare e vitit 1911 në optikën e diplomacisë evropiane dhe ballkanike / Gjermëni, Sokol (2011)
  100. The German war and to arms! (2010)