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Medieval studies in 'The Catholic Historical Review'
Reform and diversity in medieval religious communities
Constable, Giles (2011)
Communications between religious houses in the Middle Ages
Constable, Giles (2012)
The concept of 'princeps' in Gratian's 'Decretum'
Constable, Giles (2013)
Die Cluniazenser in ihrem politisch-sozialen Umfeld
Constable, Giles;
Melville, Gert;
Oberste, Jörg (1998)
Commemoration and confraternity at Cluny during the Abbacy of Peter the Venerable
Constable, Giles (1998)
Controversy and compromise in religious communities in the eleventh and twelfth centuries
Constable, Giles (2011)
Crusaders and crusading in the twelth century
Constable, Giles (2008)
Metaphors for religious life in the middle ages
Constable, Giles (2008)
Cluniac reform in the eleventh century
Constable, Giles (2006)
Auctoritas : Mélanges offerts à Olivier Guillot
Constable, Giles;
Rouche, Michel (2006)
Frontiers in the middle ages
Constable, Giles (2006)
Il secolo XII : La "renovatio" dell'Europa cristiana
Constable, Giles (2003)
L'idea di innovazione nel XII secolo
Constable, Giles (2003)
Saint Bruno of Cologne and solitude
Constable, Giles (2004)
The relation between the sun and the moon in medieval thought (to 1200)
Constable, Giles (2004)
The commemoration of the dead in the early middle ages
Constable, Giles (2000)
Hildegard's explanation of the rule of St Benedict
Constable, Giles (2000)
Constable, G. (1962)
Nona et decima : An aspect of Carolingian economy
Constable, Giles (1960)
Constable, G. (1959)
Constable, G. (1962)
Constable, G. (1962)
Constable, G. (1956)
The second crusade as seen by contemporaries
Constable, Giles (1953)
The place of the crusader in medieval society
Constable, Giles (1998)
Forgery and Plagiarism in the Middle ages
Constable, Giles (1983)
Monastic tithes from their origins to the twelfth century
Constable, Giles (1964)
Cluny in the monastic world of the tenth century
Constable, Giles (1991)
Three treatises from Bec on the nature of monastic life
Constable, Giles (2008)
Letters and letter-collections
Constable, Giles (1976)
The treatise "Hortatur nos" and accompanying canonical texts on the performance of pastoral work by monks
Constable, Giles (1965)
Medieval monasticism : A select bibliography
Constable, Giles (1976)
The many middle ages : Medieval studies in Europe as seen from America
Constable, Giles (1995)
The diversity of religious life and acceptance of social pluralism in the twelfth century
Constable, Giles (1985)
Was there a medieval middle class? : Mediocres (mediani, medii) in the middle ages
Constable, Giles (1996)
The place of Magdeburg charter of 1107/08 in the history of Eastern Germany and of the crusades
Constable, Giles (1999)
The language of preaching in the twelfth century
Constable, Giles (1994)
Monks, hermits and crusaders in medieval Europe
Constable, Giles (1988)
Smalley, Beryl (1905-1984)
Constable, Giles (1986)
Constable, G. (1971)
Constable, G. (1970)
The Reformation of the twelfth century
Constable, Giles (1996)
Constable, G. (1970)
Culture and spirituality in medieval Europe
Constable, Giles (1996)
Three studies in medieval religious and social thought : The interpretation of Mary and Martha ; The ideal of the imitation of christ ; The orders of society
Constable, Giles (1995)
Monasteries, rural churches and the 'cura animarum'in the early middle ages
Constable, Giles (1982)