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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 10

  1. Back to the future : Turkish remembrances of the GDR and other phantom pasts (2002)
  2. 'Experiment Mars' : contemporary German literature, imaginative ethnoscapes, and the new futurism (2011)
  3. The cultural after-life of East Germany : new transnational perspectives (2002)
  4. Experiment mars, Turkish migration, and the future of Europe : Imaginative ethnoscapes in contemporary German literature / Adelson, Leslie A. (2010)
  5. The Turkish turn in contemporary German literature : Toward a new critical grammar of migration / Adelson, Leslie A. (2005)
  6. Touching tales of Turks, Germans, and Jews : Cultural alterity, historical narrative, and literary riddles for the 1990s / Adelson, Leslie A. (2000)
  7. Making bodies, making history : Feminism and German identity / Adelson, Leslie A. (1993)
  8. Imagining migrants' literature : Intercultural alterity in Jeannette Lander's 'Jahrhundert der Herren' / Adelson, Leslie A. (1998)
  9. Überlegungen zur Adelskritik im Theater der deutschen Jakobiner / Adelson, Leslie A. (1979)
  10. Migrants' literature or German literature? : Torkan's Tufan: Brief an einen islamischen Bruder / Adelson, Leslie A. (1997)