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Personen GND: 143911848;

Suchzeit: 0,01 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 6

  1. Mass-marketing the empire : colonial fantasies and advertising visions (2014)
  2. Advertising empire : race and visual culture in imperial Germany / Ciarlo, David (2011)
  3. Picturing genocide in German consumer culture, 1904 - 10 / Ciarlo, David (2011)
  4. Advertising and the optics of colonial power at the Fin de Siècle / Ciarlo, David (2010)
  5. Globalizing German colonialism / Ciarlo, David (2008)
  6. Rasse konsumieren : Von den exotischen zur kolonialen Imagination in der Bildreklame des Wilhelminischen Kaiserreichs / Ciarlo, David (2003)