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Suchzeit: 0,03 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 13

  1. Nervous Nazis : war neurosis, national socialism and the memory of the First World War (2003)
  2. An intimate history of the front : masculinity, sexuality, and German soldiers in the First World War (2014)
  3. Krieg! Juden zwischen den Fronten 1914 - 1918 : dieser Katalog erscheint zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung des Jüdischen Museums München vom 9. Juli 2014 bis 22. Februar 2015 (2014)
  4. Deutsche Soldaten und "Männlichkeit" im Ersten Weltkrieg (2014)
  5. Love in the trenches : German soldiers' conceptions of sexual deviance and hegemonic masculinity in the First World War / Crouthamel, Jason (2014)
  6. Paul Lebrechts Kriegstagebuch (2014)
  7. 'The nation's leading whiner' : Visions of the national community from the perspective of mentally traumatized veterans / Crouthamel, Jason (2011)
  8. 'Comradeship' and 'friendship' : Masculinity and militarisation in Germany's homosexual emancipation movement after the First World War / Crouthamel, Jason (2011)
  9. Male sexuality and psychological trauma : Soldiers and sexual disorder in World War I and Weimar Germany / Crouthamel, Jason (2008)
  10. "Hysterische Männer"? : Traumatisierte Veteranen des Ersten Weltkrieges und ihr Kampf um Anerkennung im "Dritten Reich" / Crouthamel, Jason (2010)
  11. The Great War and German memory : Society, politics and psychological trauma, 1914 - 1945 / Crouthamel, Jason (2009)
  12. Mobilizing psychopaths into pacifists : Psychological victims of the First World War in Weimar and Nazi Germany / Crouthamel, Jason (2005)
  13. War neurosis versus savings psychosis : Working-class politics and psychological trauma in Weimar Germany / Crouthamel, Jason (2002)