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Nervous Nazis : war neurosis, national socialism and the memory of the First World War
An intimate history of the front : masculinity, sexuality, and German soldiers in the First World War
Krieg! Juden zwischen den Fronten 1914 - 1918 : dieser Katalog erscheint zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung des Jüdischen Museums München vom 9. Juli 2014 bis 22. Februar 2015
Deutsche Soldaten und "Männlichkeit" im Ersten Weltkrieg
Love in the trenches : German soldiers' conceptions of sexual deviance and hegemonic masculinity in the First World War
Crouthamel, Jason (2014)
Paul Lebrechts Kriegstagebuch
'The nation's leading whiner' : Visions of the national community from the perspective of mentally traumatized veterans
Crouthamel, Jason (2011)
'Comradeship' and 'friendship' : Masculinity and militarisation in Germany's homosexual emancipation movement after the First World War
Crouthamel, Jason (2011)
Male sexuality and psychological trauma : Soldiers and sexual disorder in World War I and Weimar Germany
Crouthamel, Jason (2008)
"Hysterische Männer"? : Traumatisierte Veteranen des Ersten Weltkrieges und ihr Kampf um Anerkennung im "Dritten Reich"
Crouthamel, Jason (2010)
The Great War and German memory : Society, politics and psychological trauma, 1914 - 1945
Crouthamel, Jason (2009)
Mobilizing psychopaths into pacifists : Psychological victims of the First World War in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Crouthamel, Jason (2005)
War neurosis versus savings psychosis : Working-class politics and psychological trauma in Weimar Germany
Crouthamel, Jason (2002)