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Jews, nobility, and usury in Luther's Europe
The politics of Jewish commerce : economic thought and emancipation in Europe ; 1638 - 1848
Karp, Jonathan (2008)
Philosemitism in history
Karp, Jonathan;
Sutcliffe, Adam (2011)
Kopf ohne Körper? : Wirtschaftsgeschichte jüdischer Lebenswelten
Karp, Jonathan (2011)
A brief history of philosemitism
Sutcliffe, Adam;
Karp, Jonathan (2011)
Can economic history date the inception of Jewish modernity?
Karp, Jonathan (2011)
The art of being Jewish in modern times
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara;
Karp, Jonathan (2008)
Economic history and Jewish modernity : Ideological versus structural change
Karp, Jonathan (2007)
The aesthetic difference : Moses Mendelssohn's 'Kohelet Musar' and the inception of the Berlin Haskalah
Karp, Jonathan (2004)