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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 29

  1. The failed European union : Franco-German relations during the Great depression of 1929 - 32 / Fischer, Conan (2012)
  2. 'A very German revolution'? : the post-1918 settlement re-evaluated / Fischer, Conan (2006)
  3. The failure of détente? : German-French relations between Stresemann and Hitler, 1929 - 32 / Fischer, Conan (2011)
  4. The Ruhr crisis, 1923 - 1924 (2010)
  5. Europe between democracy and dictatorship, 1900 - 1945 / Fischer, Conan (2011)
  6. After the Versailles Treaty : Enforcement, compliance, contested identities / Sharp, Alan (2008)
  7. The human price of reparations / Fischer, Conan (2008)
  8. The 1923 Ruhr crisis : The limits of active resistance / Fischer, Conan (2007)
  9. Scoundrels without a fatherland? : Heavy industry and transnationalism in post-First World War Germany / Fischer, Conan (2005)
  10. Soziale Verwerfungen im Ruhrkampf durch Hunger und Evakuierung / Fischer, Conan (2004)
  11. The rise of the Nazis / Fischer, Conan (2002)
  12. Continuity and change in post-Wilhelmine Germany : From the 1918 revolution to the Ruhr crisis / Fischer, Conan (2003)
  13. The Ruhr crisis 1923-1924 / Fischer, Conan (2003)
  14. Arbeitgeber, Arbeitnehmer und das Scheitern des passiven Widerstands 1923 im Ruhrgebiet / Fischer, Conan (2001)
  15. Unemployment and left-wing radicalism in Weimar Germany, 1930-1933 / Fischer, Conan (1986)
  16. Turning the tide? : The KPD and right radicalism in German industrial relations, 1925-8 / Fischer, Conan (1989)
  17. Heavy industry, society and aspects of foreign policy in the Weimar Republic / Fischer, Conan (1998)
  18. / Fischer, Conan (1979)
  19. Gab es am Ende der Weimarer Republik einen marxistischen Wählerblock? / Fischer, Conan (1995)
  20. The rise of the Nazis / Fischer, Conan (1995)
  21. The KPD and nazism : A reply to Dick Geary / Fischer, Conan (1985)
  22. Class enemies or class brothers? : Communist-nazi relations in Germany 1929-33 / Fischer, Conan (1985)
  23. The pattern of the SA's social appeal / Fischer, Conan; Mühlberger, Detlef (1996)
  24. The rise of National Socialism and the working classes in Weimar Germany / Fischer, Conan (1996)
  25. The SA of the NSDAP : Social background and ideology of the rank and file in the early 1930s. / Fischer, Conan (1982)
  26. The German communists and the rise of Nazism / Fischer, Conan (1991)
  27. Statistics and the historian : The occupational profile of the SA and the NSDAP / Fischer, Conan; Hicks, Carolyn (1980)
  28. The occupational background of the SA's rank and file membership during the depression years, 1929 to mid-1934 / Fischer, Conan (1978)
  29. Stormtroopers : A social, economic and ideological analysis 1929-35 / Fischer, Conan (1983)