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The failed European union : Franco-German relations during the Great depression of 1929 - 32
Fischer, Conan (2012)
'A very German revolution'? : the post-1918 settlement re-evaluated
Fischer, Conan (2006)
The failure of détente? : German-French relations between Stresemann and Hitler, 1929 - 32
Fischer, Conan (2011)
The Ruhr crisis, 1923 - 1924
Europe between democracy and dictatorship, 1900 - 1945
Fischer, Conan (2011)
After the Versailles Treaty : Enforcement, compliance, contested identities
Sharp, Alan (2008)
The human price of reparations
Fischer, Conan (2008)
The 1923 Ruhr crisis : The limits of active resistance
Fischer, Conan (2007)
Scoundrels without a fatherland? : Heavy industry and transnationalism in post-First World War Germany
Fischer, Conan (2005)
Soziale Verwerfungen im Ruhrkampf durch Hunger und Evakuierung
Fischer, Conan (2004)
The rise of the Nazis
Fischer, Conan (2002)
Continuity and change in post-Wilhelmine Germany : From the 1918 revolution to the Ruhr crisis
Fischer, Conan (2003)
The Ruhr crisis 1923-1924
Fischer, Conan (2003)
Arbeitgeber, Arbeitnehmer und das Scheitern des passiven Widerstands 1923 im Ruhrgebiet
Fischer, Conan (2001)
Unemployment and left-wing radicalism in Weimar Germany, 1930-1933
Fischer, Conan (1986)
Turning the tide? : The KPD and right radicalism in German industrial relations, 1925-8
Fischer, Conan (1989)
Heavy industry, society and aspects of foreign policy in the Weimar Republic
Fischer, Conan (1998)
Fischer, Conan (1979)
Gab es am Ende der Weimarer Republik einen marxistischen Wählerblock?
Fischer, Conan (1995)
The rise of the Nazis
Fischer, Conan (1995)
The KPD and nazism : A reply to Dick Geary
Fischer, Conan (1985)
Class enemies or class brothers? : Communist-nazi relations in Germany 1929-33
Fischer, Conan (1985)
The pattern of the SA's social appeal
Fischer, Conan;
Mühlberger, Detlef (1996)
The rise of National Socialism and the working classes in Weimar Germany
Fischer, Conan (1996)
The SA of the NSDAP : Social background and ideology of the rank and file in the early 1930s.
Fischer, Conan (1982)
The German communists and the rise of Nazism
Fischer, Conan (1991)
Statistics and the historian : The occupational profile of the SA and the NSDAP
Fischer, Conan;
Hicks, Carolyn (1980)
The occupational background of the SA's rank and file membership during the depression years, 1929 to mid-1934
Fischer, Conan (1978)
Stormtroopers : A social, economic and ideological analysis 1929-35
Fischer, Conan (1983)