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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 35

  1. Contemporary history : reflections from Britain and Germany (2007)
  2. "Jetzt judenfrei" : writing tourism in Nazi-occupied Poland / Caplan, Jane (2013)
  3. Registering the 'Volksgemeinschaft' : civil status in Nazi Germany 1933 - 9 (2014)
  4. The administration of gender identity in Nazi Germany / Caplan, Jane (2011)
  5. Gender and the concentration camps / Caplan, Jane (2010)
  6. Introduction / Caplan, Jane; Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2010)
  7. Concentration camps in Nazi Germany : The new histories / Caplan, Jane; Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2010)
  8. Das Frauenlager von Moringen : Schicksale in früher Nazizeit / Caplan, Jane (2009)
  9. Nazi Germany / Caplan, Jane (2008)
  10. "One of the strangest relics of a former state" : Tattoos and the discourses of criminality in Europe, 1880 - 1920 / Caplan, Jane (2006)
  11. The 'Historikerstreit' twenty years on : Forum / Caplan, Jane (2006)
  12. The women's camp in Moringen : A memoir of imprisonment in Germany, 1936 - 1937 / Herz, Gabriele; Caplan, Jane (2006)
  13. Cui bono? / Caplan, Jane (2005)
  14. Gabriele Herz : "Schutzhaft" im Frauen-Konzentrationslager Moringen 1936 - 1937 / Caplan, Jane (2005)
  15. Political detention and the origin of the concentration camps in Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1935/36 / Caplan, Jane (2005)
  16. Documenting individual identity : The development of state practices in the modern world / Caplan, Jane; Torpey, John (2001)
  17. Reflections on the reception of Goldhagen in the United States / Caplan, Jane (2000)
  18. "This or that particular person" : Protocols of identification in nineteenth-century Europe / Caplan, Jane (2001)
  19. "The imaginary universality of particular interests". The "tradition" of the civil service in German history / Caplan, Jane (1979)
  20. The politics of administration : The Reich interior ministry and the German civil service ; 1933-1943 / Caplan, Jane (1977)
  21. Speaking the right language : The Nazi Party and the civil service vote in the Weimar republic / Caplan, Jane (1986)
  22. / Caplan, Jane (1976)
  23. National Socialism and the theory of the state / Caplan, Jane (1993)
  24. Reevaluating the Third Reich / Childers, Thomas; Caplan, Jane (1993)
  25. Social policy in the Third Reich : The working class and the "nat. community" / Mason, Tim; Caplan, Jane (1993)
  26. Civil service support for National Socialism : A evaluation / Caplan, Jane (1981)
  27. Recreating the civil service : Issues and ideas in the Nazi regime / Caplan, Jane (1980)
  28. Strategien und Politik in der Ausbildung der Beamten im Dritten Reich / Caplan, Jane (1980)
  29. The difficulty of ending a war : Reactions to the exhibition 'war of extermination: Crimes of the Wehrmacht 1941 to 1944' / Caplan, Jane (1998)
  30. Profession as vocation : The German civil service / Caplan, Jane (1990)
  31. The rise of National Socialism, 1919-1933 / Caplan, Jane (1992)
  32. Nazism, fascism and the working class / Mason, Tim; Caplan, Jane (1995)
  33. Burgeaucracy, politics and the national socialist state / Caplan, Jane (1978)
  34. Theories of fascism : Nicos Poulantzas as historian / Caplan, Jane (1977)
  35. Government without administration : State and civil service in Weimar and nazi Germany / Caplan, Jane (1988)