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Contemporary history : reflections from Britain and Germany
"Jetzt judenfrei" : writing tourism in Nazi-occupied Poland
Caplan, Jane (2013)
Registering the 'Volksgemeinschaft' : civil status in Nazi Germany 1933 - 9
The administration of gender identity in Nazi Germany
Caplan, Jane (2011)
Gender and the concentration camps
Caplan, Jane (2010)
Caplan, Jane;
Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2010)
Concentration camps in Nazi Germany : The new histories
Caplan, Jane;
Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2010)
Das Frauenlager von Moringen : Schicksale in früher Nazizeit
Caplan, Jane (2009)
Nazi Germany
Caplan, Jane (2008)
"One of the strangest relics of a former state" : Tattoos and the discourses of criminality in Europe, 1880 - 1920
Caplan, Jane (2006)
The 'Historikerstreit' twenty years on : Forum
Caplan, Jane (2006)
The women's camp in Moringen : A memoir of imprisonment in Germany, 1936 - 1937
Herz, Gabriele;
Caplan, Jane (2006)
Cui bono?
Caplan, Jane (2005)
Gabriele Herz : "Schutzhaft" im Frauen-Konzentrationslager Moringen 1936 - 1937
Caplan, Jane (2005)
Political detention and the origin of the concentration camps in Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1935/36
Caplan, Jane (2005)
Documenting individual identity : The development of state practices in the modern world
Caplan, Jane;
Torpey, John (2001)
Reflections on the reception of Goldhagen in the United States
Caplan, Jane (2000)
"This or that particular person" : Protocols of identification in nineteenth-century Europe
Caplan, Jane (2001)
"The imaginary universality of particular interests". The "tradition" of the civil service in German history
Caplan, Jane (1979)
The politics of administration : The Reich interior ministry and the German civil service ; 1933-1943
Caplan, Jane (1977)
Speaking the right language : The Nazi Party and the civil service vote in the Weimar republic
Caplan, Jane (1986)
Caplan, Jane (1976)
National Socialism and the theory of the state
Caplan, Jane (1993)
Reevaluating the Third Reich
Childers, Thomas;
Caplan, Jane (1993)
Social policy in the Third Reich : The working class and the "nat. community"
Mason, Tim;
Caplan, Jane (1993)
Civil service support for National Socialism : A evaluation
Caplan, Jane (1981)
Recreating the civil service : Issues and ideas in the Nazi regime
Caplan, Jane (1980)
Strategien und Politik in der Ausbildung der Beamten im Dritten Reich
Caplan, Jane (1980)
The difficulty of ending a war : Reactions to the exhibition 'war of extermination: Crimes of the Wehrmacht 1941 to 1944'
Caplan, Jane (1998)
Profession as vocation : The German civil service
Caplan, Jane (1990)
The rise of National Socialism, 1919-1933
Caplan, Jane (1992)
Nazism, fascism and the working class
Mason, Tim;
Caplan, Jane (1995)
Burgeaucracy, politics and the national socialist state
Caplan, Jane (1978)
Theories of fascism : Nicos Poulantzas as historian
Caplan, Jane (1977)
Government without administration : State and civil service in Weimar and nazi Germany
Caplan, Jane (1988)