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Lendsiedel : Ortschronik in Text und Bildern
Lange, Roland;
Beck, Hermann (2011)
Konflikte zwischen Deutschnationalen und Nationalsozialisten während der Machtergreifungszeit
Beck, Hermann (2011)
The faiteful alliance : German conservatives and Nazis in 1933 : The Machtergreifung in a new light
Beck, Hermann (2010)
The fateful alliance : German conservatives and Nazis in 1933 ; The Machtergreifung in a new light
Konservative Politik und Modernisierung in Preußen
Beck, Hermann (2007)
Between the dictates of conscience and political expediency : Hitler's conservative alliance partner and Antisemitism during the Nazi seizure of power
Beck, Hermann (2006)
The Nazis and their conservative alliance partner in 1933 : The seizure of power in a new light
Beck, Hermann (2005)
Conservatives and the social question in nineteenth-century Prussia
Beck, Hermann (1993)
Working-class politics at the crossroads of conservatism, liberalism, and socialism
Beck, Hermann (1998)
Die Rolle des Sozialkonservatismus in der preußisch-deutschen Geschichte als Forschungsproblem
Beck, Hermann (1995)
The origins of the authoritarian welfare state in Prussia : Conservatives, bureaucracy and the social question, 1815-70
Beck, Hermann (1995)
Josef Maria von Radowitz and the implications of nineteenth-century German social thought
Beck, Hermann (1995)
The social policies of Prussian officials : The bureaucracy in a new light
Beck, Hermann (1992)
State and society in pre-march Prussia : The weavers' uprising, the bureaucracy, and the association for the welfare of workers
Beck, Hermann (1992)