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Personen GND: 137049641;

Suchzeit: 0,04 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 6

  1. The Dutch revolt and catholic exile in reformation Europe / Janssen, Geert H. (2014)
  2. The Ashgate research companion to the Counter-Reformation / Janssen, Geert H.; Laven, Mary (2013)
  3. Quo vadis? : Catholic perceptions of flight and the revolt of the low countries, 1566 - 1609 / Janssen, Geert H. (2011)
  4. Political brokerage in the Dutch Republic : The patronage networks of William Frederick of Nassau-Dietz (1613 - 1664) / Janssen, Geert H. (2006)
  5. Le reti di patronage die Guglielmo Federico di Nassau-Dietz, 1663 - 1664 / Janssen, Geert H. (2006)
  6. Princely power in the Dutch Republic : Patronage and William Frederick of Nassau (1613-64) / Janssen, Geert H. (2008)