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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 10

  1. Nature, play and the middle Dutch knowledge community of Brussels in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries (2014)
  2. Theatre society in the early modern low countries : theatricality, controversy, and publicity in Amsterdam in the 1530s / Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2013)
  3. Lustige geesten : rederijkers in de Noordelijke Nederlanden (1480 - 1650) / Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2009)
  4. Literary cultures and public opinion in the Low Countries, 1450 - 1650 / Bloemendal, Jan; Dixhoorn, Arjan van; Strietman, Elsa (2011)
  5. Literary cultures and public opinion in the early modern Low Countries / Bloemendal, Jan; Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2011)
  6. The grain issue of 1565 - 1566 : Policy making, public opinion, and the common good in the Habsburg Netherlands / Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2010)
  7. Chambers of rhetoric : Performative culture and literary socialbility in the early modern Northern Netherlands / Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2008)
  8. The reach of the republic of letters : Literary and learned societies in late medieval and early modern Europe / Dixhoorn, Arjan van; Speakman Sutch, Susie (2008)
  9. Engagement en ambitie : De Haagse rederijkerskamer 'Met Ghenuchten' en de ontwikkeling van een burgerlijke samenleving in Holland round 1500 / Braake, Serge ter; Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2006)
  10. Writing poetry as intellectual training : Chambers of rhetoric and the development of vernacular intellectual life in the Low Countries between 1480 and 1600 / Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2004)