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Suchzeit: 0,02 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 11

  1. Bilingual Europe : Latin and vernacular cultures, examples of bilingualism and multilingualism c. 1300 - 1800 (2015)
  2. Drama, performance and debate : theatre and public opinion in the early modern period / Strietman, Elsa; Bloemendal, Jan; Eversmann, Peter (2013)
  3. Janus Dousa als niederländischer Dichter / Bloemendal, Jan (2009)
  4. Poetiken der Frühen Neuzeit, insbesondere Vossius´ "Poeticae institutiones", und die Interpretation neulateinischer Dichtungen / Bloemendal, Jan (2013)
  5. Literary cultures and public opinion in the Low Countries, 1450 - 1650 / Bloemendal, Jan; Dixhoorn, Arjan van; Strietman, Elsa (2011)
  6. Topical matters in dedicatory letters of latin plays in the early modern Netherland / Bloemendal, Jan (2011)
  7. Between commonplase and myth : William of Orange as father of his country / Bloemendal, Jan (2011)
  8. Literary cultures and public opinion in the early modern Low Countries / Bloemendal, Jan; Dixhoorn, Arjan van (2011)
  9. Mythology on the early modern humanists' and rhetoricians' stage in the Netherlands : The case of Heinsius' "Herodes infanticida" (1632) / Bloemendal, Jan (2009)
  10. Early enlightenment or high philology? : Biblical textual criticism and exegesis by two famous alumni of Leiden University, Daniel Heinsius and Hugo Grotius / Bloemendal, Jan; Nellen, Henk (2009)
  11. Poeticarum institutionum libri tres