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Personen GND: 135865182;

Suchzeit: 0,04 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 36

  1. Regional patterns of ghettoization in the annexed and occupied territories of the Third Reich / Dean, Martin (2013)
  2. German ghettoization in occupied Ukraine : regional patterns and sources / Dean, Martin (2013)
  3. Voisins et bourreaux : le génocide en Biélorussie et en Ukraine / Dean, Martin (2012)
  4. Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien and the military occupied territories of Eastern Belorussia and Russia : ghetto labor policies between genocidal aims and military-ecnonomic needs, 1941 - 1943 / Dean, Martin (2013)
  5. Ghettos im Generalkommissariat Weißruthenien / Dean, Martin (2012)
  6. Crime and comprehension, punishment and legal attitudes : German and local perpetrators of the Holocaust in Domachevo, Belarus, in the records of Soviet, Polish, German, and British war crimes investigations / Dean, Martin (2010)
  7. Polen in der einheimischen Hilfspolizei : ein Aspekt der Besatzungsrealität in den deutsch besetzten ostpolnischen Gebieten / Dean, Martin (2003)
  8. Encyclopedia of camps and ghettos, 1933 - 1945 / Dean, Martin (2012-III)
  9. Typology of ghettos : Five types of ghettos under German administration / Dean, Martin (2010)
  10. Robbing the Jews : The confiscation of Jewish property in the Holocaust, 1933 - 1945 / Dean, Martin (2008)
  11. Lebensbedingungen, Zwangsarbeit und Überlebenskampf in den kleinen Ghettos : Fallstudien aus den Generalkommissariaten Weißruthenien und Wolhynien-Podolien / Dean, Martin (2009)
  12. Die sowjetische und die deutsche Besatzung in Ostpolen aus jüdischer Sicht / Dean, Martin (2009)
  13. Gospodarka wyzysku : "Warunki życia" w gettach na Kresach Wschodnich / Dean, Martin (2007)
  14. Soviet ethnic Germans and the Holocaust in the Reich Commissiariat Ukrraine, 1941 - 1944 / Dean, Martin (2008)
  15. Robbery and restitution : The conflict over Jewish property in Europe / Dean, Martin (2007)
  16. Robbery and restitution : The conflict over Jewish property in Europe / Dean, Martin; Goschler, Constantin; Ther, Philipp (2007)
  17. La spoliation des "Biens Juifs" dans le cCommissariat Général des Territoires de l'Est, 1941 - 1944 / Dean, Martin (2007)
  18. The seizure of Jewish property in Europe : Comparative aspects of Nazi methods and local responses / Dean, Martin (2007)
  19. 'Schutzmannschaften' in Ukraine und Belarus : Profiles of local police collaborators / Dean, Martin (2006)
  20. Ghettos in the occupied Soviet Union : The Nazi "System" / Dean, Martin (2005)
  21. The "Local Police" in Nazi-occupied Belarus und Ukraine as the "Ideal Type" of collaboration : In practice, in the recollections of its members and in the verdicts of the courts / Dean, Martin (2006)
  22. Les Conseils juifs en Pologne orientale et en Union soviétique sous l'occupation allemande / Dean, Martin (2006)
  23. Life and death in the "gray zone" of Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe : The unknown, the ambiguous, and the disappeared / Dean, Martin (2005)
  24. The role of law in seizure of Jewish property in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe / Dean, Martin (2005)
  25. Soviet War Crimes Lists and their role in the investigation of Nazi War Criminals in the West, 1987 - 2000 / Dean, Martin (2005)
  26. Multinational Jewish business and the transfer of capital abroad in the face of "Aryanization", 1933 - 1939 / Dean, Martin (2004)
  27. Local collaboration in the Eastern Europe / Dean, Martin (2004)
  28. Der Raub jüdischen Eigentums in Europa : Vergleichende Aspekte der nationalsozialistischen Methoden und der lokalen Reaktionen / Dean, Martin (2003)
  29. Microcosm : Collaboration and resistance during the Holocaust in the Mir Rayon of Belarus, 1941 - 1944 / Dean, Martin (2004)
  30. Die Suche nach litauischen Kriegsverbrechern in Australien, den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Großbritannien 1979 - 2001 / Dean, Martin (2003)
  31. Il processo di arianizzazione in Germania : Le imprese multinazionali ebraiche e il trasferimento di capitali all'estero / Dean, Martin (2003)
  32. The development and implementation of Nazi denaturalization and confiscation policy up to the eleventh decree to the Reich citizenship law / Dean, Martin (2002)
  33. The plundering of Jewish property in Europe : Five recent publications documenting property seizure and restitution in Germany, Belgium, Norway, and Belarus / Dean, Martin (2001)
  34. Die Enteignung "jüdischen Eigentums" im Reichskommissariat Ostland 1941-1944 / Dean, Martin (2000)
  35. Jewish property seized in the occupied Soviet Union in 1941 and 1942 : The records of the 'Reichshauptkasse Beutestelle' / Dean, Martin (2000)
  36. Collaboration in the Holocaust : Crimes of the local police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44 / Dean, Martin (2000)