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Personen GND: 133183211;

Suchzeit: 0,02 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 9

  1. Introduction: Hanns Eisler (1898 - 1962) : the politically engaged composer (1998)
  2. Amerikanische Wochenschauen im Zweiten Weltkrieg / Culbert, David (2010)
  3. 'Kolberg' : Goebbels' 'Wunderwaffe' as counterfactual history / Culbert, David (2009)
  4. German films in America, 1933 - 45 : Public diplomacy and an uncoordinated information campaign / Culbert, David (2007)
  5. Nuit et Brouillard (1955) : Hanns Eisler's music and the usage of 'Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion' in German / Culbert, David (2007)
  6. Propaganda and mass persuasion : A historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present / Culbert, David; Welch, David (2003)
  7. The impact of anti-semitic film propaganda on German audiences : 'Jew Süss' and 'The wandering Jew' (1940) / Culbert, David (2002)
  8. World War II, film, and history / Chambers, John Whiteclay II; Culbert, David (1996)
  9. Kolberg (Germany, 1945) : The Goebbels diaries and Poland's Kołobrzeg today / Culbert, David (1996)