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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 26

  1. Far away, and yet so close : Günter Kunert's image of America (2002)
  2. Literatur inter- und transmedial / Bathrick, David; Anders, Petra; Ammann, Andreas (2012)
  3. The afterlife of 'Triumph of the Will' : the first twenty-five years / Bathrick, David (2008)
  4. Der Widerstand der Ästhetik : Stephan Hermlin als "Public Intellectual" / Bathrick, David (2012)
  5. Memories and fantasies about and by the 'Stasi' / Bathrick, David (2011)
  6. Enttabuisierte Erinnerung? : Deutsches Leiden im Zweiten Weltkrieg / Bathrick, David (2010)
  7. Billy Wilder's Cold War Berlin / Bathrick, David (2010)
  8. Visualizing the Holocaust : Documents, aesthetics, memory / Bathrick, David; Prager, Brad; Richardson, Michael D. (2008)
  9. Robert Wilson, Heiner Müller, and the preideological / Bathrick, David (2006)
  10. Cinematic remaskings of Hitler : From Riefenstahl to Chaplin / Bathrick, David (2005)
  11. Totems and taboos : Debating Nazi legacies at the turn of the century / Bathrick, David (2004)
  12. Cinematic Americanization of the Holocaust in Germany : Whose memory is it? / Bathrick, David (2005)
  13. State of the art as art of the Nazi state : The limits of cinematic resistance / Bathrick, David (2003)
  14. Language and power / Bathrick, David (2001)
  15. Rescreening "The Holocaust" : The children's stories / Bathrick, David (2000)
  16. Die Intellektuellen und die Macht : Die Repräsentanz des Schriftstellers in der DDR / Bathrick, David (2000)
  17. Marx und/oder Nietzsche : Anmerkungen zur Krise des Marxismus / Bathrick, David; Breines, Paul (1978)
  18. The end of the wall before the end of the wall / Bathrick, David (1991)
  19. Heiner Müller / Bathrick, David; Fehervary, Helen (1998)
  20. A one-sided history : Brecht's Hitler plays / Bathrick, David (1983)
  21. Anti-Neonazism as cinematic practice : Bonengel's Beruf Neonazi / Bathrick, David (1996)
  22. Moderne Kunst und Klassenkampf : Die Expressionismus-Debatte in der Exilzeitschrift "Das Wort" / Bathrick, David (1972)
  23. Special Issue for Anson Rabinbach (2012)
  24. The powers of speech : The politics of culture in the GDR / Bathrick, David (1995)
  25. From UFA to DEFA : Past as present in early GDR films / Bathrick, David (2000)
  26. Max Schmeling on the canvas : Boxing as on icon of Weimar culture / Bathrick, David (1990)