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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 47

  1. The German right in the Weimar Republic : new directions, new insights, new challenges (2014)
  2. The German right in the Weimar Republic : studies in the history of German conservatism, nationalism, and antisemitism / Jones, Larry Eugene (2014)
  3. Conservative antisemitism in the Weimar Republic : a case study of the German National People's Party (2014)
  4. Adolf Hitler and the 1932 presidential elections : a study in Nazi strategy and tactics / Jones, Larry Eugene (2013)
  5. Franz von Papen, Catholic conservatives, and the establishment of the Third Reich, 1933 - 1934 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2011)
  6. German conservatism at the crossroads : Count Kuno von Westarp and the struggle for control of the DNVP, 1928 - 30 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2009)
  7. "Ich bin der letzte Preuße" : Der politische Lebensweg des konservativen Politikers Kuno Graf von Westarp (1864 - 1945) / Jones, Larry Eugene; Pyta, Wolfram (2006)
  8. Catholics on the right : The Reich Catholic Committee of the German National People's Party, 1920 - 33 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2006)
  9. Nationalists, Nazis, and assault against Weimar : Revisiting the Harzburg Rally of October 1931 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2006)
  10. Kuno Graf von Westarp und die Krise des deutschen Konservatismus in der Weimarer Republik / Jones, Larry Eugene (2006)
  11. Franz von Papen, the German Center Party, and the failure of catholic conservatism in the Weimar Republic / Jones, Larry Eugene (2005)
  12. Stabilisierung von Rechts : Gustav Stresemann und das Streben nach politischer Stabilität 1923 - 1929 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2002)
  13. Crossing boundaries : The exclusion and inclusion of minorities in Germany and America / Jones, Larry Eugene (2001)
  14. Nationalism, particularism, and the collapse of the Bavarian liberal parties in the early Weimar Republic, 1918-1924 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2002)
  15. Saxony, 1924-1939 : A study in the dissolution of the bourgeois party system in Weimar Germany / Jones, Larry Eugene (2000)
  16. Von Weimar zu Hitler : Deutschlands konservative Eliten und die Etablierung des "Dritten Reiches" 1932-1934 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2000)
  17. Hindenburg and the conservative dilemma in the 1932 presidential elections / Jones, Larry Eugene (1997)
  18. Catholic conservatives in the Weimar Republic : The politics of the Rhenish-Westphalian aristocracy, 1918-1933 / Jones, Larry Eugene (2000)
  19. The crisis of white-collar interest politics : Deutsch-nationaler Handlungshilfen-Verband and Deutscher Volkspartei in the world economic crisis (1974)
  20. Culture and politics in the Weimar Republic / Jones, Larry Eugene (1992)
  21. Generational conflict and the problem of political mobilization in the Weimar Republic / Jones, Larry Eugene (1992)
  22. The greatest stupidity of my life : Alfred Hugenberg and the formation of the Hitler cabinet, Jan. 1933 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1992)
  23. German liberalism and the alienation of the younger generation in the Weimar Republic / Jones, Larry Eugene (1990)
  24. Democracy and liberalism in the German inflation : The crisis of a political movement, 1918-1924 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1989)
  25. German liberalism and the dissolution of the Weimar party system, 1918-1933 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1988)
  26. In search of a liberal Germany : Studies in the history of German liberalism from 1789 to the present / Jarausch, Konrad H.; Jones, Larry Eugene (1990)
  27. In the twilight of the liberal era : Max Weber and the crisis of German liberalism 1914-1920 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1989)
  28. German liberalism reconsidered : Inevitable decline, bourgeois hegemony, or partial achievement? / Jarausch, Konrad H.; Jones, Larry Eugene (1990)
  29. Inflation, revaluation and the crises of middle-class politics : A study in the dissolution of the German party system, 1923-28 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1979)
  30. Die Rückwirkungen der Inflation auf die Entwicklung des deutschen Parteiensystems in der Weimarer Republik / Jones, Larry Eugene (1978)
  31. Carl Friedrich von Siemens and the industrial financing of political parties in the Weimar Republic / Jones, Larry Eugene (1995)
  32. Die Tage vor Hitlers Machtübernahme : Aufzeichnungen des Deutschnationalen Reinhold Quaatz / Quaatz, Reinhold; Jones, Larry Eugene (1989)
  33. Adam Stegerwald und die Krise des deutschen Parteiensystems / Jones, Larry Eugene (1979)
  34. Nazis, conservatives, and the establishment of the Third Reich, 1932-34 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1994)
  35. Elections, mass politics, and social change in modern Germany : New perspectives / Jones, Larry Eugene; Retallack, James (1992)
  36. Between the fronts : The German National Union of Commercial Employees from 1928 to 1933 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1976)
  37. Sammlung oder Zersplitterung? : Die Bestrebungen zur Bildung einer neuen Mittelpartei in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik 1930-1933 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1977)
  38. German conservatism reconsidered : Old problems and new directions / Jones, Larry Eugene; Retallack, James (1993)
  39. The limits of collaboration : Edgar Jung, Herbert von Bose, and the origins of the conservative resistance to Hitler, 1933- 34 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1993)
  40. Liberalism and the challenge of the younger generation : The young liberal struggle for a reform of the Weimar party system, 1928-30 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1993)
  41. Between reform, reaction and resistance : Studies in the history of German conservatism from 1789 to 1945 / Jones, Larry Eugene; Retallack, James (1993)
  42. Gustav Stresemann und die Krise des deutschen Liberalismus / Jones, Larry Eugene (1982)
  43. The dissolution of the borgeois party system in the Weimar Republic / Jones, Larry Eugene (1981)
  44. Crisis and realignment : Agrarian splinter parties in the late Weimar Republic, 1928-33 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1986)
  45. "The dying middle" : Weimar Germany and the fragmentation of bourgeois politics / Jones, Larry Eugene (1972)
  46. In the shadow of stabilization : German liberalism and the legitimacy crisis of the Weimar party system, 1924-30 / Jones, Larry Eugene (1985)
  47. Why Hitler came to power : In defense of a new history of politics / Jones, Larry Eugene (1992)