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"... in Madrid müßten zwei Ochsen an einer Traube ziehen" : Fremdverstehen in Karl Philipp Moritz' "Reisen eines Deutschen in Italien"
Defending lateness : deliberations on acceleration, attention, and lateness, 1900 - 2000
Poetiken der Entschleunigung in Prosatexten Wilhelm Genazinos, Julia Schochs und Judith Zanders
Fuchs, Anne (2013)
Bauernwiderstand und Landesteilung im spätmittelalterlichen Thüringen : der Rechtsstreit um die Gerichtsbarkeit in Neuengönna und Porstendorf in der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts
Fuchs, Anne (2010)
The bombing of Dresden and the idea of cultural impact
Fuchs, Anne (2010)
Cultural topography and emotional legacies in Durs Grünbein's Dresden poetry
Fuchs, Anne (2011)
Cultural memory : essays on European literature and history
Caldicott, Edric;
Fuchs, Anne (2003)
Debating German cultural identity since 1989
James-Chakraborty, Kathleen;
Shortt, Linda (2011)
After the Dresden bombing : Pathways of memory, 1945 to the present
Psychotopography and ethnopoetic realism in Uwe Tellkamp's 'Der Turm'
Fuchs, Anne (2012)
Für die Archäotopik der Erinnerung : Eine Relektüre von Horst Bieneks Gleiwitz-Tetralogie im Kontext der Debatte um Flucht und Vertreibung
Fuchs, Anne (2011)
"Things to come" : Kulturelle Umbruchstopoi in Ludwig Harigs "Wer mit den Wölfen heult, wird Wolf"
Fuchs, Anne (2010)
Phantoms of war in contemporary German literature, films and discourse : The politics of memory
'Ehrlich, du lügst wie gedruckt' : Güner Grass's autobiographical confession and the changing territory of Germany's memory culture
Fuchs, Anne (2007)
The tinderbox of memory : Generation and masculinity in 'Väterliteratur' by Christoph Meckel, Uwe Timm, Ulla Hahn, and Dagmar Leupold
Fuchs, Anne (2006)
German memory contests : The quest for identity in literature, film, and discourse since 1990
Fuchs, Anne;
Cosgrove, Mary;
Grote, Georg (2006)
A 'Heimat' in ruins and the ruins as 'Heimat' : W. G. Sebald's 'Luftkrieg und Literatur'
Fuchs, Anne (2006)
From 'Vergangenheitsbewältigung' to generational memory contests in Günter Grass, Monika Maron and Uwe Timm
Fuchs, Anne (2006)
Towards an ethics of remembering : The Walser-Bubis debate and the other of discourse
Fuchs, Anne (2002)
W. G. Sebald and the writing of history
Fuchs, Anne;
Long J. J. (2007)
German memory contests : The quest for identity in literature, film, and discourse since 1990
Fuchs, Anne (2006)
Transformations of German cultural identity : 1989-2009
Ghetto writing : Traditional and Eastern Jewry in German-Jewish literature from Heine to Hilsenrath
Fuchs, Anne;
Krobb, Florian (1999)
Edgar Hilsenrath's poetics of insignificance and the tradition of humour in German-Jewish ghetto writing
Fuchs, Anne (1999)