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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 32

  1. Tourismusgeschichte Ost- und Westdeutschlands : ein Forschungsbericht (1998)
  2. The Holocaust as a symbolic manual : the French Revolution, the Holocaust, and global memories (2015)
  3. A world without Jews : the Nazi imagination from persecution to genocide (2014)
  4. Why did the Nazis burn the Hebrew Bible? : Nazi Germany, representations of the past, and the Holocaust / Confino, Alon (2012)
  5. A world without Jews : interpreting the Holocaust / Confino, Alon (2012)
  6. On the virtue and tyranny of the past / Confino, Alon (2012)
  7. On localness and nationhood / Confino, Alon (2001)
  8. Foundational pasts : the Holocaust as historical understanding / Confino, Alon (2012)
  9. Narrative form and historical sensation : On Saul Friedländer's 'The years of extermination' / Confino, Alon (2010)
  10. A world without Jews : Interpreting the Holocaust / Confino, Alon (2009)
  11. Narrative form and historical sensation : On Saul Friedländer's 'The years of extermination' / Confino, Alon (2009)
  12. Death and twentieth-century Germany / Betts, Paul; Confino, Alon; Schumann, Dirk (2008)
  13. Death, spiritual solace, and afterlife : Between Nazism and religion / Confino, Alon (2008)
  14. The travels of Bettina Humpel : One Stasi file and narratives of state and self in East Germany / Confino, Alon (2008)
  15. Between mass death and individual loss : The place of the dead in twentieth-century Germany / Confino, Alon; Betts, Paul; Schumann, Dirk; Confino, Alon (2008)
  16. Germany as a culture of remembrance : Promises and limits writing history / Confino, Alon (2006)
  17. Histories and memories of twentieth-century Germany / Confino, Alon (2005)
  18. Dissonance, normality, and the historical method : Why did some Germans think of tourism after May 8, 1945? / Confino, Alon (2003)
  19. Fantasies about the Jews : Cultural reflections on the Holocaust / Confino, Alon (2005)
  20. Telling about Germany : Narratives of memory and culture / Confino, Alon (2004)
  21. The work of memory : New directions in the study of German society and culture / Confino, Alon; Fritzsche, Peter (2002)
  22. Federalism and the 'Heimat' idea in imperial Germany / Confino, Alon (2002)
  23. Introduction : Noises of the past / Confino, Alon; Fritzsche, Peter (2002)
  24. Régimes of consumer culture : New narratives in twentieth-century German history / Confino, Alon; Koshar, Rudy (2001)
  25. "This lovely country you will never forget" : Kriegserinnerungen und Heimatkonzepte in der westdeutschen Nachkriegszeit / Confino, Alon (2001)
  26. Traveling as a culture of remembrance : Traces of national socialism in West Germany, 1945-1960 / Confino, Alon (2000)
  27. Konzepte von Heimat, Region, Nation und Staat in Württemberg von der Reichsgründungszeit bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg / Confino, Alon (2000)
  28. The nation as a local metaphor : Heimat, nat. memory and the German Empire, 1871-1918 / Confino, Alon (1993)
  29. Edgar Reitz's Heimat and German nationhood : Film, memory, and understandings of the past / Confino, Alon (1998)
  30. The nation as a local metaphor : Württemberg, imperial Germany, and national memory, 1871-1918 / Confino, Alon (1997)
  31. Die Nation als lokale Metapher : Heimat, nationale Zugehörigkeit und das Deutsche Reich 1871-1918 / Confino, Alon (1996)
  32. Localities of a nation : Celebrating Sedan-Day in the German Empire / Confino, Alon (1997)