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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 26

  1. Leibniz and 'potentia Dei absoluta' (2015)
  2. G. W. Leibniz and protestant scholasticism in the years 1698 - 1704 / Backus, Irena (2013)
  3. Leibniz's conceptions of the Eucharist 1668 - 1699 and his use of 16th century sources in the religious negotiations between Hanover and Brandenburg / Backus, Irena (2013)
  4. L'argument hérésiologique, l'Église ancienne et les réformes, XVIe - XVIIe siècles : actes du colloque de Tours, 10 - 11 septembre 2010 / Backus, Irena; Büttgen, Philippe; Pouderon, Bernard (2012)
  5. Leibniz et l'hérésie ancienne / Backus, Irena (2012)
  6. Calvin and his influence, 1509 - 2009 / Backus, Irena; Benedict, Philip (2011)
  7. Life writing in Reformation Europe : lives of reformes by friends, disciples and foes / Backus, Irena (2008)
  8. Lay and theological reception of Clement of Alexandria in the Reformation : From Gentien Hervet to Fénélon / Backus, Irena (2010)
  9. What is a historical account? : Religious biography and the Reformation's break with the middle ages / Backus, Irena (2010)
  10. Sturm's "Life" of Beatus Rhenanus : Between "laudatio" and history / Backus, Irena (2009)
  11. The early church as a model of religious unity in the sixteenth century : Georg Cassander and Georg Witzel / Backus, Irena (2004)
  12. Bucer's view of Roman and Canon Law in his exegetical writings and in his patristic Florilegium / Backus, Irena (2002)
  13. Historical method and confessional identity in the era of the Reformation (1378 - 1615) / Backus, Irena (2003)
  14. Reformation readings of the Apocalypse : Geneva, Zurich and Wittenberg / Backus, Irena (2000)
  15. Prière en latin au 16e siècle et son rôle dans les Églises issues de la Réforme / Backus, Irena (2002)
  16. Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Bucer and the Church Fathers / Backus, Irena (1997)
  17. The reception of the Church Fathers in the West : From the Carolingians to the Maurists / Backus, Irena (2000)
  18. / Backus, Irena (1987)
  19. Opera omnia
  20. Martin Bucer and the patristic tradition / Backus, Irena (1993)
  21. Martin Bucer, apocryphe et authentique : Études de bibliographie et d'exégèse / Backus, Irena; Fraenkel, Pierre; Lardet, Pierre (1983)
  22. Vers une nouvelle bibliographie bucérienne : Résultats d'un premier inventaire / Lardet, Pierre; Backus, Irena; Fraenkel, Pierre (1983)
  23. Martin Borrhaus (Cellarius) / Backus, Irena (1981)
  24. Augustine and Jerome in Thomas Murner's "De Augustiniana Hieronymianaque reformatione poetarum" (Strasbourg, 1509) / Backus, Irena (1998)
  25. Bibliotheca dissidentium : Répertoire des non-conformistes religieux des 16. et 17. siècles / Séguenny, André; Backus, Irena; Rott, Jean ([1990])
  26. The Bible and the Fathers according to Abraham Scultetus (1566-1624) and André Rivet (1571/73-1651) : The case of Basil of Caesarea / Backus, Irena (1999)