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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 38

  1. Protestants, Catholics, Mennonites and Jews : identities and institutions in Holocaust studies (2015)
  2. Holocaust und Besatzungsgeschichte (2015)
  3. John S. Conway : engaged skeptic and skeptical activist (2014)
  4. Warum eine Alltagsgeschichte des Holocaust? / Bergen, Doris L.; Hájková, Anna; Löw, Andrea (2013)
  5. What do studies of women, gender, and sexuality contribute to understanding the Holocaust? / Bergen, Doris L. (2013)
  6. Wojna i ludobójstwo : krótka historia Holokaustu / Bergen, Doris L.; Witkowski, Rafał; Sosnowski, Miłosz (2011)
  7. Alltag im Holocaust : jüdisches Leben im Großdeutschen Reich 1941 - 1945 / Bergen, Doris L.; Hájková, Anna (2013)
  8. Social death and international isolation : Jews in Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1939 / Bergen, Doris L. (2012)
  9. Studying the Holocaust : is history commemoration? / Bergen, Doris L. (2012)
  10. No end in sight? : The ongoing challenge of producing an intergrated history of the Holocaust / Bergen, Doris L. (2010)
  11. War and genocide : A concise history of the Holocaust / Bergen, Doris L. (2009)
  12. The Holocaust : A new history / Bergen, Doris L. (2008)
  13. Occupation, imperialism, and genocide / Bergen, Doris L. (2008)
  14. Instrumentalization of 'Volksdeutschen' in German propaganda in 1939 : Replacing/erasing Poles, Jews, and other victims / Bergen, Doris L. (2008)
  15. Sexual violence in the Holocaust : Unique and typical? / Bergen, Doris L. (2006)
  16. Nazism and Christianity : Partners and rivals? ; A response to Richard Steigmann-Gall, 'The Holy Reich' ; Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919 - 1945 / Bergen, Doris L. (2007)
  17. Tenousness and tenacity : The 'Volksdeutschen' of Eastern Europe, World War II., and the Holocaust / Bergen, Doris L. (2005)
  18. "War Protestantism" in Germany, 1914 - 1945 / Bergen, Doris L. (2005)
  19. Christianity and Germaness : Mutually reinforcing, reciprocally undermining? / Bergen, Doris L. (2004)
  20. German military chaplains in the Second World War and the dilemmas of legitimacy / Bergen, Doris L. (2004)
  21. The sword of the Lord : Military chaplains from the first to the twenty-first century / Bergen, Doris L. (2004)
  22. Die "deutschen Christen" 1933 - 1945 : Ganz normale Gläubige und eifrige Komplizen? / Bergen, Doris L. (2003)
  23. The 'Volksdeutsche' of Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Nazi empire, 1944 - 1945 / Bergen, Doris L. (2003)
  24. War and genocide : A concise history of the Holocaust / Bergen, Doris L. (2003)
  25. Religion and the Holocaust : Some reflections / Bergen, Doris L. (2003)
  26. Hosanna or "Hilf, o Herr uns" : National identity, the German Christian movement, and the "Dejudaization" of sacred music in the Third Reich / Bergen, Doris L. (2002)
  27. Sex, blood, and vulnerability : Women outsiders in German-occupied Europe / Bergen, Doris L. (2001)
  28. "What God has put asunder let no man join together" : Overseas missions and the German Christian view of race / Bergen, Doris L. (1999)
  29. Rivalry, indifference or solidarity? : Jews and 'other victims' in studies of the Holocaust and comparative Genocide / Bergen, Doris L. (2001)
  30. Die Deutschen Christen 1934-1939 / Bergen, Doris L. (2001)
  31. Storm troopers of Christ : The German christian movement and the ecclesiastical final solution / Bergen, Doris L. (1999)
  32. Controversies about the Holocaust : Goldhagen, Arendt, and the historians' conflict / Bergen, Doris L. (2000)
  33. Historikerkontroversen / Lehmann, Hartmut; Bergen, Doris (2000)
  34. The ecclesiastical final solution : The German christian movement and the anti-Jewish church / Bergen, Doris L. (1998)
  35. "Germany is our mission - Christ is our strenght!" : The Wehrmacht chaplaincy and the "German Christian" movement / Bergen, Doris L. (1997)
  36. Nazi-christians and christian Nazis : The "German christian" movement in national socialist Germany / Bergen, Doris L. (1995)
  37. The Nazi concept of 'Volksdeutsche' and the exacerbation of anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe, 1939-45 / Bergen, Doris L. (1994)
  38. Twisted Cross : The German christian movement in the Third Reich / Bergen, Doris L. (1996)