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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 73

  1. German colonialism in a global age (2014)
  2. The German right from Weimar to Hitler : fragmentation and coalescence (2015)
  3. Empire by land or sea? : "Germany's imperical imaginary" ; 1840 - 1945 (2014)
  4. Commentary : empire, ideology, and the east ; thoughts on nazism's spatial imaginary / Eley, Geoff (2012)
  5. Nazism as fascism : violence, ideology, and the ground of consent in Germany 1930 - 1945 / Eley, Geoff (2013)
  6. A disorder of peoples : the uncertain ground of reconstruction in 1945 / Eley, Geoff (2011)
  7. The past under erasure? : History, memory, and the contemporary / Eley, Geoff (2011)
  8. Germany and its colonies : Margins and metropole / Eley, Geoff (2010)
  9. 'An embarrassment to the family, to the public, and to the state' : Liberalism and the rights of women, 1860 - 1914 / Eley, Geoff (2008)
  10. Citizenship and national identity in twentieth-century Germany / Eley, Geoff; Palmowski, Jan (2008)
  11. Some general thoughts on citizenship in Germany / Eley, Geoff (2008)
  12. When Europe was new : Liberation and the making of the post-war era / Eley, Geoff (2008)
  13. No need to choose : Cultural history and the history of society / Eley, Geoff (2008)
  14. Citizenship and national identity in twentieth-century Germany / Eley, Geoff; Palmowski, Jan (2008)
  15. How and where is German history centered? / Eley, Geoff (2006)
  16. A crooked line : From cultural history to the history of society / Eley, Geoff (2006)
  17. Missionaries of the 'Volksgemeinschaft' : Ordinary women and the nazification of the East / Eley, Geoff (2005)
  18. Rückkehr zur NS-Ideologie : Überlegungen zu einer möglichen Neukonzeptualisierung nach Lektüre des Buchs von Michael Wildt über die Männer des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes / Eley, Geoff (2005)
  19. Der neue Gebhardt : Zwischen Strukturgeschichte und klassischer Modernisierung / Eley, Geoff (2004)
  20. Frauen und der geschlechtsbezogene nationale Staatsbürgerstatus in Deutschland 1860 - 1914 / Eley, Geoff (2004)
  21. Forging democracy : The history of the left in Europe, 1850 - 2000 / Eley, Geoff (2002)
  22. Wilhelminism and its legacies : German modernities, imperialism, and the meanings of reform, 1890 - 1930 ; Essays for Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann / Eley, Geoff; Retallack, James (2003)
  23. The "Goldhagen effect" : History, memory, nazism ; Facing the German past / Eley, Geoff (2000)
  24. Making a place in the nation : Meanings of "citizenship" in Wilhelmine Germany / Eley, Geoff (2003)
  25. Ordinary Germans, nazism, and judeocide / Eley, Geoff (2000)
  26. Watching 'Schindler's' list : Not the last word / Eley, Geoff; Grossmann, Atina (1997)
  27. Culture, nation and gender / Eley, Geoff (2000)
  28. Wie denken wir über Politik? : Alltagsgeschichte u. d. Kategorie d. Politik / Eley, Geoff (1994)
  29. Mythen deutscher Geschichtsschreibung : Die gescheiterte bürgerliche Revolution von 1848 / Blackbourn, David; Eley, Geoff (1980)
  30. Deutscher Sonderweg und engliches Vorbild / Eley, Geoff (1980)
  31. Some thoughts on the nationalist pressure groups in imperial Germany / Eley, Geoff (1981)
  32. / Eley, Geoff (1982)
  33. / Eley, Geoff (1982)
  34. / Eley, Geoffrey (1989)
  35. Social imperialism in Germany : Reformist synthesis or reactionary sleight of hand? / Eley, Geoff (1976)
  36. Capitalism and the Wilhelmine state : Industrial growth and political backwardness in recent German historiography, 1890-1918 / Eley, Geoff (1978)
  37. Die "Kehrites" und das Kaiserreich : Bemerkungen zu einer aktuellen Kontroverse / Eley, Geoff (1978)
  38. / Eley, Geoff (1978)
  39. / Eley, Geoff (1979)
  40. / Eley, Geoff (1977)
  41. What are the contexts for German antisemitism? / Eley, Geoff (1997)
  42. Intellectuals and the German labour movement / Eley, Geoff (1996)
  43. From unification to nazism : Re-interpreting the German past / Eley, Geoff (1986)
  44. Die deutsche Geschichte und die Widersprüche der Moderne : Das Beispiel des Kaiserreichs / Eley, Geoff (1991)
  45. Notable politics, the crisis of German liberalism, and the electoral transition of the 1890s / Eley, Geoff (1990)
  46. Sammlungspolitik, social imperialism and the navy law of 1898 / Eley, Geoff (1974)
  47. Wilhelminismus, Nationalismus, Faschismus : Zur historischen Kontinuität in Deutschland / Eley, Geoff (1991)
  48. Society, culture, and the state in Germany, 1870-1930 / Eley, Geoff (1996)
  49. Is there a history of the Kaiserreich? / Eley, Geoff (1996)
  50. Some recent tendencies in social history / Eley, Geoff (1979)
  51. German history and the contradictions of modernity : The bourgeoisie, the state, and the mastery of reform / Eley, Geoff (1996)
  52. Why does social history ignore politics? / Eley, Geoff; Nield, Keith (1980)
  53. Cultural socialism, the public sphere, and the mass form : Popular culture and the democratic project, 1900 to 1934 / Eley, Geoff (1998)
  54. Recont work in modern Germann history / Eley, Geoff (1980)
  55. The Wilhelmine right : How it changed / Eley, Geoff (1978)
  56. Reshaping the German right : Radical nationalism and political change after Bismarck / Eley, Geoff (1980)
  57. Some thougts on German militarism / Eley, Geoff (1978)
  58. / Eley, Geoff (1980)
  59. / Eley, Geoffrey (1981)
  60. Liberalism, Europe, and the bourgeoisie 1860-1914 / Eley, Geoff (1991)
  61. Bismarckian Germany / Eley, Geoff (1992)
  62. The social construction of democracy in Germany, 1871-1933 / Eley, Geoff (1995)
  63. Liberalismus 1860-1914 : Deutschland und Großbritannien im Vergleich / Eley, Geoff (1988)
  64. "Schindlers Liste" hat nicht das letzte Wort / Eley, Geoff; Grossmann, Atina (1995)
  65. What produces fascism : Preindustrial traditions or a crisi of the capitalist state? / Eley, Geoff (1989)
  66. Politica dei notabili e crisi del liberalismo : Nella transitransizione elettorale degli anni '90 in Germania / Eley, Geoff (1989)
  67. Conservatives and radical nationalists in Germany : The production of fascist potentials, 1912 - 28 / Eley, Geoff (1990)
  68. Anti-semitism, agrarian mobilization, and the conservative party : Radicalism and containment in the founding of the Agrarian League, 1890-93 / Eley, Geoff ([1993])
  69. Germans politics and polish nationality : The dialectic of nationforming in the east of Prussia / Eley, Geoff (1984)
  70. Nazism, politics and the image of the past : Thoughts on the West German Historikerstreit 1986-1987 / Eley, Geoff (1988)
  71. Labor history, social history, Alltagsgeschichte : Experience, culture, and the politics of the everyday - a new direction of German social history? / Eley, Geoff (1989)
  72. Society and politics in Bismarckian Germany / Eley, Geoff (1997)
  73. / Eley, Geoff (1979)