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The confinement of tragedy : between 'Urfaust' and 'Woyzeck'
The Oxford handbook of modern German history
Smith, Helmut Walser (2011)
Fluchtpunkt 1941 : Kontinuitäten der deutschen Geschichte
Walser Smith, Helmut (2010)
Jenseits der Sonderweg-Debatte
Walser Smith, Helmut (2009)
A national socialist people?
Walser Smith, Helmut (2008)
The continuities of German history : Nation, religion, and race across the long nineteenth century
Smith, Helmut Walser (2008)
When the 'Sonderweg' debate left us
Walser Smith, Helmut (2008)
Prussia at the margins, or the world that nationalism lost
Walser Smith, Helmut (2006)
The vanishing point of German history : An essay on perspective
Walser Smith, Helmut (2005)
The workers of Europe and a dye factory in Germany, 1940 - 1945
Smith, Helmut Walser (2005)
The structure of German national consciousness : Protestants, Catholics and Jews, 1871
Smith, Helmut Walser (2005)
La rumeur de Konitz : Une affaire d'antisémitisme dans l'Allemagne 1900
Smith, Helmut Walser (2003)
Die Geschichte des Schlachters : Mord und Antisemitismus in einer deutschen Kleinstadt
Smith, Helmut Walser (2004)
For a differently Central European history : Reflections on Jürgen Osterhammel, 'Geschichtswissenschaft jenseits des Nationalstaats'
Smith, Helmut Walser (2004)
An Preußens Rändern : Oder die Welt, die den Nationalismus verloren ging
Smith, Helmut Walser (2004)
The butcher's tale : Murder and anti-semitism in a German town
Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Germany, 1800-1914
Smith, Helmut Walser (2001)
The logic of colonial violence : Germany in Southwest Africa (1904-1907) ; The United States in the Philippines (1899-1912)
Smith, Helmut Walser (1999)
Die Geschichte des Schlachters : Mord und Antisemitismus in einer deutschen Kleinstadt
Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
The Holocaust and other genocides : History, representation, ethics
Smith, Helmut Walser;
Booth, William James (2002)
Konitz, 1900 : Ritual murder and antisemitic violence
Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
The fate of Nathan
Smith, Helmut Walser;
Clark, Chris (2001)
Exclusionary violence : Antisemitic riots in modern German history
Hoffman, Christhard;
Bergmann, Werner;
Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
The boundaries of the local in modern German history
Smith, Helmut Walser (2000)
Lokalgeschichte : Überlegungen zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Genres
Smith, Helmut Walser (2000)
Confessionalization, community, and state building in Germany, 1555-1870
Harrington, Joel F.;
Smith, Helmut Walser (1997)
German nationalism and religious conflict : Culture, ideology, politics, 1870-1914
Smith, Helmut Walser (1995)
The discourse of usury : Relations between Christians and Jews in the German countryside, 1880-1914
Smith, Helmut Walser (1999)
The demography of discontinuity in Bitterfeld, 1930-1953
Smith, Helmut Walser (1999)
The talk of genocide, the rhetoric of miscegenation : Notes on debates in the German Reichstag concerning Southwest Africa, 1904-14
Smith, Helmut Walser (1998)
Alltag und politischer Antisemitismus in Baden, 1890-1900
Smith, Helmut Walser (1993)