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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 31

  1. The confinement of tragedy : between 'Urfaust' and 'Woyzeck' (2014)
  2. The Oxford handbook of modern German history / Smith, Helmut Walser (2011)
  3. Fluchtpunkt 1941 : Kontinuitäten der deutschen Geschichte / Walser Smith, Helmut (2010)
  4. Jenseits der Sonderweg-Debatte / Walser Smith, Helmut (2009)
  5. A national socialist people? / Walser Smith, Helmut (2008)
  6. The continuities of German history : Nation, religion, and race across the long nineteenth century / Smith, Helmut Walser (2008)
  7. When the 'Sonderweg' debate left us / Walser Smith, Helmut (2008)
  8. Prussia at the margins, or the world that nationalism lost / Walser Smith, Helmut (2006)
  9. The vanishing point of German history : An essay on perspective / Walser Smith, Helmut (2005)
  10. The workers of Europe and a dye factory in Germany, 1940 - 1945 / Smith, Helmut Walser (2005)
  11. The structure of German national consciousness : Protestants, Catholics and Jews, 1871 / Smith, Helmut Walser (2005)
  12. La rumeur de Konitz : Une affaire d'antisémitisme dans l'Allemagne 1900 / Smith, Helmut Walser (2003)
  13. Die Geschichte des Schlachters : Mord und Antisemitismus in einer deutschen Kleinstadt / Smith, Helmut Walser (2004)
  14. For a differently Central European history : Reflections on Jürgen Osterhammel, 'Geschichtswissenschaft jenseits des Nationalstaats' / Smith, Helmut Walser (2004)
  15. An Preußens Rändern : Oder die Welt, die den Nationalismus verloren ging / Smith, Helmut Walser (2004)
  16. The butcher's tale : Murder and anti-semitism in a German town / Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
  17. Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Germany, 1800-1914 / Smith, Helmut Walser (2001)
  18. The logic of colonial violence : Germany in Southwest Africa (1904-1907) ; The United States in the Philippines (1899-1912) / Smith, Helmut Walser (1999)
  19. Die Geschichte des Schlachters : Mord und Antisemitismus in einer deutschen Kleinstadt / Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
  20. The Holocaust and other genocides : History, representation, ethics / Smith, Helmut Walser; Booth, William James (2002)
  21. Konitz, 1900 : Ritual murder and antisemitic violence / Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
  22. The fate of Nathan / Smith, Helmut Walser; Clark, Chris (2001)
  23. Exclusionary violence : Antisemitic riots in modern German history / Hoffman, Christhard; Bergmann, Werner; Smith, Helmut Walser (2002)
  24. The boundaries of the local in modern German history / Smith, Helmut Walser (2000)
  25. Lokalgeschichte : Überlegungen zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Genres / Smith, Helmut Walser (2000)
  26. Confessionalization, community, and state building in Germany, 1555-1870 / Harrington, Joel F.; Smith, Helmut Walser (1997)
  27. German nationalism and religious conflict : Culture, ideology, politics, 1870-1914 / Smith, Helmut Walser (1995)
  28. The discourse of usury : Relations between Christians and Jews in the German countryside, 1880-1914 / Smith, Helmut Walser (1999)
  29. The demography of discontinuity in Bitterfeld, 1930-1953 / Smith, Helmut Walser (1999)
  30. The talk of genocide, the rhetoric of miscegenation : Notes on debates in the German Reichstag concerning Southwest Africa, 1904-14 / Smith, Helmut Walser (1998)
  31. Alltag und politischer Antisemitismus in Baden, 1890-1900 / Smith, Helmut Walser (1993)