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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 16

  1. Commerce, communication, and empire : economy, technology and cultural encounters (2015)
  2. Maritime transport and the integration of Low Countries grain marketes in the late middle ages / Unger, Richard W. (2012)
  3. The art of medieval technology : Images of Noah the shipbuilder / Unger, Richard W. (1991)
  4. Cartography in antiquity and the middle ages : Fresh perspectives, new methods / Talbert, Richard J. A.; Unger, Richard W. (2008)
  5. Thresholds for market integration in the Low Countries and England in the fifteenth century / Unger, Richard W. (2007)
  6. Beer in the middle ages and the Renaissance / Unger, Richard W. (2004)
  7. Prices, consumption patterns and consumer welfare in the low countries at the end of the middles ages / Unger, Richard W. (2005)
  8. War at sea in the middle ages and the Renaissance / Hattendorf, John B.; Unger, Richard W. (2003)
  9. Beer : A new bulk good of international trade / Unger, Richard W. (2002)
  10. A history of brewing in Holland 900-1900 : Economy, technology and the state / Unger, Richard W. (2001)
  11. Beer imports into the Low Countries / Unger, Richard W. (2000)
  12. Feeding Low Countries towns : The grain trade in the fifteenth century / Unger, Richard W. (1999)
  13. Technical change in the brewing industry in Germany, the Low Countries, and England in the late middle ages / Unger, Richard W. (1992)
  14. The ship in the medieval economy, 600 - 1600. / Unger, Richard W. (1980)
  15. Beer, wine and land use in the late medieval low countries / Unger, Richard W. (1998)
  16. Dutch shipbuilding before 1800 : Ships and guilds / Unger, Richard W. (1977)