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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 34

  1. Afterword : the Enlightenment - Bohemian style? / Sorkin, David (2011)
  2. The religious enlightenment : Protestants, Jews, and Catholics from London to Vienna / Sorkin, David (2008)
  3. The Jewish question in eighteenth-century Germany / Sorkin, David (2009)
  4. History in the service of belief : The biblical exegesis of the religious enlightenment / Sorkin, David (2007)
  5. What history tells : George L. Mosse and the culture of modern Europe / Payne, Stanley G.; Sorkin, David J.; Tortorice, John S. (2004)
  6. Reclaiming theology for the enlightenment : The case of Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten, 1706 - 1757 / Sorkin, David (2003)
  7. Moses Mendelssohn's first Hebrew publication : An annotated translation of the 'Kohelet Mussar' / Mendelssohn, Moses; Breuer, Edward; Sorkin, David (2003)
  8. New perspectives on the Haskalah / Feiner, Shmuel; Sorkin, David (2001)
  9. The émigré synthesis : 'German-Jewish history in modern times' / Sorkin, David (2001)
  10. Port Jews and the three regions of emancipation / Sorkin, David (2001)
  11. Enlightenment and emancipation : German Jewry's formative age in comparative perspective / Sorkin, David (1997)
  12. The Berlin-Haskalah and German religious thought : Orphans of knowledge / Sorkin, David (2000)
  13. Moses Mendelssohn's biblical exegesis / Sorkin, David (2000)
  14. Juden und Katholiken : Deutsch-jüd. Kultur im Vergl. 1750- 1850 / Sorkin, David (1994)
  15. The international dialogue : Judaism and enlightenment in Moses Mendelssohn's thought / Sorkin, David (1996)
  16. Moses Mendelssohn und die theologische Aufklärung / Sorkin, David (1999)
  17. Moses Mendelssohn and the religious Enlightenment / Sorkin, David (1996)
  18. Riforme religiose e tendenze secolari nella vita degli ebrei tedeschi : Un programma di ricerca / Sorkin, David (1998)
  19. The Mendelssohn myth and its method / Sorkin, David (1999)
  20. Reform catholicism and religious enlightenment / Sorkin, David (1999)
  21. Mendelssohn and modernity : Was Mendelssohn first modern or the last medieval Jewish thinker? / Sorkin, David (1997)
  22. The spirit of Prussian Jewry : The dual legacy of Berlin / Sorkin, David (1993)
  23. From context to comparison : The German Haskalah and reform catholicism / Sorkin, David (1991)
  24. Jews, the enlightenment and religious toleration : Some reflections / Sorkin, David (1992)
  25. Religious reforms and secular trends in German-Jewish life : An agenda for research / Sorkin, David (1995)
  26. The impact of emancipation on German Jewry : A reconsideration / Sorkin, David (1992)
  27. Emancipation and assimilation : Two concepts and their application to German-Jewish history / Sorkin, David (1990)
  28. Preacher, teacher, publicist : Joseph Wolf and the ideology of emancipation / Sorkin, David (1991)
  29. From East and West : Jews in a changing Europe, 1750-1870 / Malino, Frances; Sorkin, David (1991)
  30. Die zwei Gesichter des Moses Mendelssohn / Sorkin, David (1993)
  31. The transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840 / Sorkin, David (1992)
  32. The transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840 / Sorkin, David (1987)
  33. Wilhelm von Humboldt : The theory and practice of self-formation (Bildung), 1791 - 1810 / Sorkin, David (1983)
  34. The genesis of the ideology of emancipation, 1806-1840 / Sorkin, David (1987)