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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 33

  1. Johann Pezzl (1756 - 1823) : enlightenment in the satirical mode / Robertson, Ritchie (2014)
  2. W. G. Sebald as a critic of Austrian literature / Robertson, Ritchie (2011)
  3. "Das ist nun einmahl slawische Sitte!" : die Bewohner Galiziens in Reiseberichten des späten 18. Jahrhunderts / Robertson, Ritchie (2012)
  4. Wielands 'Hexameron von Rosenhain' und die Anfänge der deutschen Novellistik / Robertson, Ritchie (2011)
  5. Wieland's nude bathers : Visual pleasure and the female gaze / Robertson, Ritchie (2011)
  6. Mock-epic poetry from Pope to Heine / Robertson, Ritchie (2009)
  7. Woman warriors and the origin of the state : Zacharias Werner's 'Wanda' and Heinrich von Kleist's 'Penthesilea' / Robertson, Ritchie (2009)
  8. Der Götterkrieg : Ein episches Motiv von Milton bis Heine / Robertson, Ritchie (2008)
  9. Neue literatur- und kulturgeschichtliche Publikationen zur österreichischen Aufklärung / Robertson, Ritchie (2007)
  10. Schiller and the Jesuits / Robertson, Ritchie (2006)
  11. 'Die Menschen zu ihrem Glück zwingen' : Polemical and judicial violence in the Austrian enlightenment / Robertson, Ritchie (2006)
  12. Heine / Robertson, Ritchie (2005)
  13. George, Nietzsche, and Nazism / Robertson, Ritchie (2005)
  14. Joseph II in cultural memory / Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
  15. The limits of toleration in enligtenment Germany : Lessing, Goethe and the Jews / Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
  16. Cultural stereotypes and social anxiety in Georg Hermann's "Jettchen Gebert" / Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
  17. Gender anxiety and the shaping of the self in some modernist writers : Musil, Hesse, Hofmannsthal, Jahnn / Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
  18. Antisemitismus und Ambivalenz : Zu Achim von Arnims Erzählung "Die Majoratsherren" / Robertson, Ritchie (2003)
  19. Karl Beck : From radicalism to monarchism / Robertson, Ritchie (2001)
  20. Zum deutschen Slawenbild von Herder bis Musil / Robertson, Ritchie (2000)
  21. The Habsburg legacy : National identity in historical perspective / Robertson, Ritchie; Timms, Edward (1994)
  22. 'Urheimat Asien' : The re-orientation of German and Austrian Jews, 1900-1925 / Robertson, Ritchie (1996)
  23. The Austrian enlightenment and its aftermath / Robertson, Ritchie; Timms, Edward (1991)
  24. Joseph Rohrer and the bureaucratic enlightenment / Robertson, Ritchie (1991)
  25. Austrian exodus : The creative achievements of refugees from National Socialism / Timms, Edward; Robertson, Ritchie (1995)
  26. Varieties of antisemitism from Herder to Fassbinder / Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
  27. The 'Jewish question' in German literature, 1749-1939 : Emancipation and its discontents / Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
  28. Enlightened and romantic views of the ghetto : David Friedländer versus Heinrich Heine / Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
  29. The representation of Jews in British and German literature : A comparison / Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
  30. Nationalism and modernity : German-Jewish writers and the Zionist movement / Robertson, Ritchie (1988)
  31. The Yiddish presence in European literature inspiration and interaction : Selected papers arising from the Fourth and Fifth Mendel Friedman Conferences in Yiddish / Sherman, Joseph; Robertson, Ritchie (2005)
  32. Theodore Herzl et l'antisémitisme / Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
  33. Heine / Robertson, Ritchie (1997)