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Johann Pezzl (1756 - 1823) : enlightenment in the satirical mode
Robertson, Ritchie (2014)
W. G. Sebald as a critic of Austrian literature
Robertson, Ritchie (2011)
"Das ist nun einmahl slawische Sitte!" : die Bewohner Galiziens in Reiseberichten des späten 18. Jahrhunderts
Robertson, Ritchie (2012)
Wielands 'Hexameron von Rosenhain' und die Anfänge der deutschen Novellistik
Robertson, Ritchie (2011)
Wieland's nude bathers : Visual pleasure and the female gaze
Robertson, Ritchie (2011)
Mock-epic poetry from Pope to Heine
Robertson, Ritchie (2009)
Woman warriors and the origin of the state : Zacharias Werner's 'Wanda' and Heinrich von Kleist's 'Penthesilea'
Robertson, Ritchie (2009)
Der Götterkrieg : Ein episches Motiv von Milton bis Heine
Robertson, Ritchie (2008)
Neue literatur- und kulturgeschichtliche Publikationen zur österreichischen Aufklärung
Robertson, Ritchie (2007)
Schiller and the Jesuits
Robertson, Ritchie (2006)
'Die Menschen zu ihrem Glück zwingen' : Polemical and judicial violence in the Austrian enlightenment
Robertson, Ritchie (2006)
Robertson, Ritchie (2005)
George, Nietzsche, and Nazism
Robertson, Ritchie (2005)
Joseph II in cultural memory
Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
The limits of toleration in enligtenment Germany : Lessing, Goethe and the Jews
Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
Cultural stereotypes and social anxiety in Georg Hermann's "Jettchen Gebert"
Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
Gender anxiety and the shaping of the self in some modernist writers : Musil, Hesse, Hofmannsthal, Jahnn
Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
Antisemitismus und Ambivalenz : Zu Achim von Arnims Erzählung "Die Majoratsherren"
Robertson, Ritchie (2003)
Karl Beck : From radicalism to monarchism
Robertson, Ritchie (2001)
Zum deutschen Slawenbild von Herder bis Musil
Robertson, Ritchie (2000)
The Habsburg legacy : National identity in historical perspective
Robertson, Ritchie;
Timms, Edward (1994)
'Urheimat Asien' : The re-orientation of German and Austrian Jews, 1900-1925
Robertson, Ritchie (1996)
The Austrian enlightenment and its aftermath
Robertson, Ritchie;
Timms, Edward (1991)
Joseph Rohrer and the bureaucratic enlightenment
Robertson, Ritchie (1991)
Austrian exodus : The creative achievements of refugees from National Socialism
Timms, Edward;
Robertson, Ritchie (1995)
Varieties of antisemitism from Herder to Fassbinder
Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
The 'Jewish question' in German literature, 1749-1939 : Emancipation and its discontents
Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
Enlightened and romantic views of the ghetto : David Friedländer versus Heinrich Heine
Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
The representation of Jews in British and German literature : A comparison
Robertson, Ritchie (1999)
Nationalism and modernity : German-Jewish writers and the Zionist movement
Robertson, Ritchie (1988)
The Yiddish presence in European literature inspiration and interaction : Selected papers arising from the Fourth and Fifth Mendel Friedman Conferences in Yiddish
Sherman, Joseph;
Robertson, Ritchie (2005)
Theodore Herzl et l'antisémitisme
Robertson, Ritchie (2004)
Robertson, Ritchie (1997)