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Frauen und "zweite Leibeigenschaft" in Böhmen
Edwards, Jeremy (2003)
Women and labour markets in early modern Germany
Women and the material culture in food in early modern Germany
Ogilvie, Sheilagh;
Küpker, Markus;
Maegraith, Janine (2009)
Frauen und die materielle Kultur der Hausarbeit im frühneuzeitlichen Württemberg : Ergebnisse aus Wildberger Inventaren
Ogilvie, Sheilagh;
Küpker, Markus;
Maegraith, Janine (2012)
Household debt in early modern Germany : evidence from personal inventories
Ogilvie, Sheilagh;
Küpker, Markus;
Maegraith, Janine (2012)
Institutions and European trade : Merchant guilds, 1000 - 1800
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2011)
Krämer und ihre Waren im ländlichen Württemberg zwischen 1600 und 1740
Ogilvie, Sheilagh;
Küpker, Markus;
Maegraith, Janine (2011)
Consumption, social capital, and the "Industrious Revolution" in early modern Germany
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2010)
Vesnická obec a tzv. "druhé nevolnictví" v raně novověkých Čechach
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2009)
Aux origines de l'industrialisation en Allmagne
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2008)
Serfdom and social capital in Bohemia and Russia
Dennison, T. K.;
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2007)
"So that every subject knows how to behave" : Social disciplining in early modern Bohemia
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2006)
"Eine sauere Nahrung" : Frauen, Märkte und soziales Kapital im frühmodernen Deutschland
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2006)
Communities and the 'second serfdom' in early modern Bohemia
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2005)
The use and abuse of trust : Social capital and its deployment by early modern guilds
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2005)
Staat und Untertanen in einer lokalen Gesellschaft : Die Herrschaft Friedland 1583 - 1692
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2005)
A bitter living : Women, markets, and social capital in early modern Germany
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2003)
Guilds, efficiency, and social capital : Evidence from German proto-industry
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2004)
Zur ökonomischen Welt der Untertanen in Böhmen : Eine Fallstudie zur Herrschaft Frýdlant
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2002)
The economic world of the Bohemian serf : Economic concepts, preferences, and constraints on the estate of Friedland, 1583-1692
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2001)
Women and the "second serfdom" : Evidence from early modern Bohemia
Ogilvie, Sheilagh;
Edwards, Jeremy (2000)
European proto-industrialization
Ogilvie, Sheilagh;
Cerman, Markus (1996)
Universal banks and German industrialization : A reappraisal
Edwards, Jeremy;
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (1996)
Germany : A new social and economic history
Scribner, Robert W.;
Ogilvie, Sheilagh ([1996])
The state in Germany : A non-Prussian view
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (1999)
Soziale Institutionen, Korporatismus und Protoindustrie : Die württembergische Zeugmacherei, 1580 bis 1797
Ogilvie, Sheilagh C. (1997)
Soziale Institutionen und Proto-Industrialisierung
Ogilvie, Sheilagh C. (1994)
Proto-Industrialisierung in Europa : Industrielle Produktion vor dem Fabrikszeitalter
Cerman, Markus;
Ogilvie, Sheilagh C. (1994)
How does social capital affect women? : Guilds and communities in early modern Germany
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2004)
Germany and the seventeenth-century crisis
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (1997)
State corporatism and proto-industry : The Württemberg Black Forest, 1580-1797
Ogilvie, Sheilagh (1997)