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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 11

  1. A German student's album in the British Library : Lauingen, Wittenberg and Tübingen, 1580 - 1588 (2014)
  2. New year begging broadsides from Nuremberg : a collection in the British Library / Paisey, David (2010)
  3. Aspekte zur Digitalisierung und Erschließung der Druckgraphik anhand des VD 17 / Paisey, David (2010)
  4. Dominikus Böhm, Sir Basil Spence and the dream in the dentist's chair : A German source for Coventry cathedral / Swift, Nigel F.; Paisey, David (2011)
  5. The woodcut figures of the "Messeflugblatt" : Their proof impressions and some later uses and derivatives / Paisey, David (2008)
  6. Searching for Pirckheimer's books in the remains of the Arundel Library at the Royal Society / Paisey, David (2007)
  7. The Veith brothers as book-collectors : Adalbert Blumenschein visits Ignaz Adam and Franz Anton Veith in Augsburg in the 1770s / Paisey, David (2005)
  8. German newspapers of the seventeenth century in the Public Record Office, London / Paisey, David L. (1978)
  9. Literatur, die nicht in den Meßkatalogen steht / Paisey, David L. (1980)
  10. Deutsche Buchdrucker, Buchhändler und Verleger 1701-1750 / Paisey, David L. (1988)
  11. Catalogue of books printed in the German-speaking countries and of German books printed in other countries from 1601 to 1700 now in The British Library / Paisey, David L. (1994)