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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 31

  1. Kant, Fichte, and transcendental idealism (2015)
  2. Fichte and transcendental philosophy / Breazeale, Daniel (2014)
  3. A note on the analytic Kant without idealism / Rockmore, Tom (2013)
  4. Kant and phenomenology / Rockmore, Tom (2011)
  5. Marx, German idealism, and constructivism / Rockmore, Tom (2011)
  6. Dewey, Hegel, and knowledge after Kant / Rockmore, Tom (2010)
  7. Fichte and the phenomenological tradition / Waibel, Violetta L.; Breazeale, Daniel; Rockmore, Tom (2010)
  8. Fichte, German idealism, and early romanticism / Breazeale, Daniel; Rockmore, Tom (2010)
  9. Fichte, German idealism and the thing in itself / Rockmore, Tom (2010)
  10. After Jena : New essays on Fichte's later philosophy / Breazeale, Daniel; Rockmore, Tom (2008)
  11. On Fichte, German idealism, and early German romanticism / Rockmore, Tom (2009)
  12. Fichte et la philosophie politique aujourd'hui / Rockmore, Tom (2008)
  13. Fichte on knowledge, practice, and history / Rockmore, Tom (2008)
  14. Kant and idealism / Rockmore, Tom (2007)
  15. Rights, bodies and recognition : New essays on Fichte's 'Foundation of natural right' / Rockmore, Tom; Breazeale, Daniel (2006)
  16. In Kant's wake : Philosophy in the twentieth century / Rockmore, Tom (2006)
  17. History, historicity and science / Rockmore, Tom; Margolis, Joseph (2006)
  18. Hegel, idealism, and analytic philosophy / Rockmore, Tom (2005)
  19. Marx after Marxism : The philosophy of Karl Marx / Rockmore, Tom (2002)
  20. New essays in Fichte's 'Foundation of the entire doctrine of scientific knowledge' / Breazeale, Daniel; Rockmore, Tom (2001)
  21. New essays on Fichte's later Jena 'Wissenschaftslehre' / Breazeale, Daniel; Rockmore, Tom (2002)
  22. Heidegger, German idealism and neo-kantianism / Rockmore, Tom (2000)
  23. Marx, and the german philosophical tradition / Rockmore, Tom (1980)
  24. Engels, Lukács, and Kant's thing-in-itself / Rockmore, Tom (1999)
  25. Vico, Marx, and anti-cartesian theory of knowledge / Rockmore, Tom (1983)
  26. On Heidegger's nazism and philosophy / Rockmore, Tom (1992)
  27. The Heidegger case : On philosophy and politics / Rockmore, Tom; Margolis, Joseph (1992)
  28. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel : Avant/après / Rockmore, Tom (1992)
  29. Fichte : Historical contexts, contemporary controversies / Breazeale, Daniel; Rockmore, Tom (1994)
  30. New perspectives on Fichte / Rockmore, Tom; Breazeale, Daniel (1996)
  31. Heidegger und die französische Philosophie / Rockmore, Tom (2000)