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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 48

  1. What did you do in the war, 'Mutti'? : courageous women, compassionate commanders, and stories of the Second World War (2004)
  2. On the history of man-made destruction : loss, death, memory, and Germany in the bombing war (2006)
  3. Private acts, public anxieties : the fight to decriminalize male homosexuality in postwar West Germany (2014)
  4. How to judge Stanley Kramer's 'Judgment at Nuremberg' / Moeller, Robert G. (2013)
  5. Histories of the aftermath : The legacies of the Second World War in Europe / Biess, Frank; Moeller, Robert G. (2010)
  6. Winning the peace at the movies : Suffering, loss, and redemption in postwar Germany cinema / Moeller, Robert G. (2010)
  7. The Nazi state and German society : A brief history with documents / Moeller, Robert G. (2010)
  8. The bombing war in Germany, 2005 - 1940 : Back to the future? / Moeller, Robert G. (2009)
  9. When 'Liebe' was just a five-letter word : Wolfgang Liebeneiner's 'Love 47' / Moeller, Robert G. (2008)
  10. The Third Reich in post-war German memory / Moeller, Robert G. (2008)
  11. Unbenannt und allgegenwärtig : Die Familie in der deutschen Zeitgeschichtsschreibung / Moeller, Robert G. (2008)
  12. Fighting to win the peace : 08/15 and West German memories of the Second World War / Moeller, Robert G. (2007)
  13. The politics of the past in the 1950s : Rhetorics of victimisation in East and West Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (2006)
  14. Victims in uniform : West German combat movies from the 1950s / Moeller, Robert G. (2006)
  15. Germans as victims? : Thoughts on a post-Cold War history of World War II's legacies / Moeller, Robert G. (2005)
  16. Kämpfen für den Frieden : 08/15 und westdeutsche Erinnerungen an den Zweiten Weltkrieg / Moeller, Robert G. (2005)
  17. War stories : The search for a usable past in the Federal Republic of Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (2002)
  18. Sinking ships, the lost 'Heimat' and broken taboos : Günter Grass and the politics of memory in contemporary Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (2003)
  19. "In a thousand years, every German will speak of this battle" : Celluloid memories of Stalingrad / Moeller, Robert G. (2002)
  20. Die Vertreibung aus dem Osten und westdeutsche Trauerarbeit / Moeller, Robert G. (2002)
  21. What has "Coming to terms with the past" meant in post-World War II Germany? : From history to memory to the "History of the memory" / Moeller, Robert G. (2002)
  22. Deutsche Opfer, Opfer der Deutschen : Kriegsgefangene, Vertriebene, NS-Verfolgte ; Opferausgleich als Identitätspolitik / Moeller, Robert G. (2001)
  23. Heimkehr ins Vaterland : Die Remaskulinisierung Westdeutschlands in den fünfziger Jahren / Moeller, Robert G. (2001)
  24. Remembering the war in a nation of victims : West German pasts in the 1950s / Moeller, Robert G. (2001)
  25. War stories : The search for a usable past in the Federal Republic of Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (2001)
  26. Geschichten aus der "Stacheldrahtuniversität" : Kriegsgefangene im Opferdiskurs der Bundesrepublik / Moeller, Robert G. (2000)
  27. Peasants and lords in modern Germany : Recent studies in agricultural history / Moeller, Robert G. (1986)
  28. / Moeller, Robert G. (1983)
  29. Die Besonderheiten der Deutschen? : Neue Beiträge zur Sonderwegsdiskussion / Moeller, Robert G. (1982)
  30. Die Suche nach der Kontinuität in der modernen deutschen Geschichte / Moeller, Robert G. (1982)
  31. Dimensions of social conflict in the Great war : The view from the German countryside / Moeller, Robert G. (1981)
  32. War stories : The search for a usable past in the Federal Republic of Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (1996)
  33. Winners as losers in the German inflation : Peasant protest over controlled economy, 1920 - 1923 / Möller, Robert G. (1982)
  34. West Germany under construction : Politics, society, and culture in the Adenauer era / Moeller, Robert G. (1997)
  35. Zur Ökonomie des Agrarsektors in den Provinzen Rheinland und Westfalen 1896-1933 / Moeller, Robert G. (1984)
  36. "The homosexual man is a 'man', the homosexual woman is a 'woman'" : Sex, society, and the law in postwar West Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (1994)
  37. Equality, difference, and the Grundgesetz : Women, families, and the Federal Republic's basic law / Moeller, Robert G. (1995)
  38. Constituting political bodies in the Adenauer era / Moeller, Robert G. (1995)
  39. Die Suche nach der Kontinuität in der modernen deutschen Geschichte / Moeller, Robert G. (1982)
  40. German peasants and agrarian politics 1914-1924 : The Rhineland and Westphalia / Moeller, Robert G. (1986)
  41. "The last soldiers of the great war" and tale of family reunions in the Federal Republic of Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (1998)
  42. The Kaiserreich recast? : Continuity and change in modern German historiography / Moeller, Robert G. (1984)
  43. The homosexual man is a "man", the homosexual woman is a "woman" : Sex, society, and the law in postwar West Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (1997)
  44. Geschützte Mütter : Frauen und Familien in der westdeutschen Nachkriegspolitik / Moeller, Robert G. (1997)
  45. Protecting motherhood : Women and the family in the politics of postwar West Germany / Moeller, Robert G. (1993)
  46. Reconstructing the family in reconstruction Germany : Women and social policy in the Federal Republic, 1949-1955 / Moeller, Robert G. (1997)
  47. Locating peasants and lords in modern German historiography / Moeller, Robert G. (1986)
  48. Economic dimensions of peasant protest in the transition from Kaiserreich to Weimar / Moeller, Robert G. (1986)