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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 23

  1. The German war : a nation under arms, 1939 - 45 (2015)
  2. Drawing the Holocaust in 1945 (2005)
  3. Moments of rupture : the subjectivity of children in the Second World War / Stargardt, Nicholas (2013)
  4. Victims of bombing and retaliation / Stargardt, Nicholas (2004)
  5. Beyond 'consent' or 'terror' : Wartime crises in Nazi Germany / Stargardt, Nicholas (2011)
  6. Clausewitz's final posting : Carl von Clausewitz: 'Vom Kriege' (1832 - 34) / Stargardt, Nicholas (2011)
  7. Speaking in public about the murder of the Jews : What did the Holocaust mean to the Germans? / Stargardt, Nicholas (2010)
  8. The troubled patriot : German 'Innerlichkeit' in World War II / Stargardt, Nicholas (2010)
  9. Kinder in Hitlers Krieg (2008)
  10. Rumors of revenge in the Second World War / Stargardt, Nicholas (2008)
  11. The war child : A German trauma? / Stargardt, Nicholas (2007)
  12. A German trauma / Stargardt, Nicholas (2007)
  13. Witnesses of war : Children's lives under the Nazis / Stargardt, Nicholas (2007)
  14. Drawing the Holocaust in 1945 / Stargardt, Nicholas (2006)
  15. "Maikäfer flieg!" : Hitlers Krieg und die Kinder / Stargardt, Nicholas (2006)
  16. Jeux de guerre : Les enfants sous la régime nazi / Stargardt, Nicholas (2006)
  17. Witnesses of war : Children's lives under the Nazis / Stargardt, Nicholas (2005)
  18. Opfer der Bomben und der Vergeltung / Stargardt, Nicholas (2003)
  19. The 'final solution' / Stargardt, Nicholas (2001)
  20. Der deutsche Zusammenbruch von 1945 als Kindheitserfahrung / Stargardt, Nicholas (2000)
  21. German childhoods : The making of a historiography / Stargardt, Nicholas (1998)
  22. Children's art of the Holocaust / Stargardt, Nicholas (1998)
  23. The German idea of militarism : Radical and socialist critics, 1866-1914 / Stargardt, Nicholas (1994)