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Der feiste Doktor : Luther, sein Körper und seine Biographen
Roper, Lyndal (2012)
Martin Luther's body : The "stout doctor" and his biographers
Roper, Lyndal (2010)
'To his most learned and dearest friend' : Reading Luther's letters
Roper, Lyndal (2010)
Venus in Wittenberg : Cranach, Luther, and sensuality
Roper, Lyndal (2009)
The suicidal student
Roper, Lyndal (2008)
The Gorgon of Augsburg
Roper, Lyndal (2008)
The art of survival : Gender and history in Europe, 1450 - 2000 ; Essays in honour of Olwen Hufton
Harris, Ruth;
Roper, Lyndal (2006)
Witches' children
Roper, Lyndal (2005)
Witchcraft, nostalgia, and the rural idyll in eighteenth-century Germany
Roper, Lyndal (2006)
Witch craze : Terror and fantasy in Baroque Germany
Roper, Lyndal (2004)
Religion and culture in Germany, 1400 - 1800
Scribner, Robert W.;
Roper, Lyndal (2001)
Religion und Kultur in Deutschland 1400-1800
Scribner, Robert W.;
Roper, Lyndal (2002)
'Evil imaginings and fantasies' : Child-witches and the end of the witch craze
Roper, Lyndal (2002)
'Evil imaginings and fantasies' : Child-witches and the end of the witch craze
Roper, Lyndal (2000)
Gender and the Reformation
Roper, Lyndal (2001)
Oedipus and the devil : Witchcraft, sexuality and religion in early modern Europe
Roper, Lyndal (1994)
Witchcraft and fantasy in early modern Germany
Roper, Lyndal (1996)
Jenseits des linguistic turn
Roper, Lyndal (1999)
Das fromme Haus : Frauen und Moral in der Reformation
Roper, Lyndal (1999)
Sexual utopianism in the German Reformation
Roper, Lyndal (1991)
Sexualutopien in der deutschen Reformation
Roper, Lyndal (1991)
The holy household : Women and morals in Reformation Augsburg
Roper, Lyndal (1989)
Hexenzauber und Hexenfantasien im Deutschland der frühen Neuzeit
Roper, Lyndal (1997)
"Wille" und "Ehre" : Sexualität, Sprache und Macht in Augsburger Kriminalprozessen
Roper, Lyndal (1990)
Das fromme Haus : Frauen und Moral in der Reformation
Roper, Lyndal (1995)
"The common man", "the common good", "common women" : Gender and meaning in the German Reformation commune
Roper, Lyndal (1987)
Was there a crisis in gender relations in sixteenth century Germany?
Roper, Lyndal (1992)
Männlichkeit und männliche Ehre
Roper, Lyndal (1992)
Witchcraft and fantasy in early modern Germany
Roper, Lyndal (1991)
Ödipus und der Teufel
Roper, Lyndal (1993)
Gendered exchanges : Women and communication in sixteenth- century Germany
Roper, Lyndal (1992)
"Wille" und "Ehre" : Sexualität, Sprache u. Macht in Augsburger Kriminalprozessen
Roper, Lyndal (1993)
Kinder ausgraben, Kinder essen : Zur psychischen Dynamik von Hexenprozessen in Nördlingen
Roper, Lyndal (1997)
"Going to church and street" : Weddings in Reformation Augsburg
Roper, Lyndal (1985)