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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 34

  1. Der feiste Doktor : Luther, sein Körper und seine Biographen / Roper, Lyndal (2012)
  2. Martin Luther's body : The "stout doctor" and his biographers / Roper, Lyndal (2010)
  3. 'To his most learned and dearest friend' : Reading Luther's letters / Roper, Lyndal (2010)
  4. Venus in Wittenberg : Cranach, Luther, and sensuality / Roper, Lyndal (2009)
  5. The suicidal student / Roper, Lyndal (2008)
  6. The Gorgon of Augsburg / Roper, Lyndal (2008)
  7. The art of survival : Gender and history in Europe, 1450 - 2000 ; Essays in honour of Olwen Hufton / Harris, Ruth; Roper, Lyndal (2006)
  8. Witches' children / Roper, Lyndal (2005)
  9. Witchcraft, nostalgia, and the rural idyll in eighteenth-century Germany / Roper, Lyndal (2006)
  10. Witch craze : Terror and fantasy in Baroque Germany / Roper, Lyndal (2004)
  11. Religion and culture in Germany, 1400 - 1800 / Scribner, Robert W.; Roper, Lyndal (2001)
  12. Religion und Kultur in Deutschland 1400-1800 / Scribner, Robert W.; Roper, Lyndal (2002)
  13. 'Evil imaginings and fantasies' : Child-witches and the end of the witch craze / Roper, Lyndal (2002)
  14. 'Evil imaginings and fantasies' : Child-witches and the end of the witch craze / Roper, Lyndal (2000)
  15. Gender and the Reformation / Roper, Lyndal (2001)
  16. Oedipus and the devil : Witchcraft, sexuality and religion in early modern Europe / Roper, Lyndal (1994)
  17. Witchcraft and fantasy in early modern Germany / Roper, Lyndal (1996)
  18. Jenseits des linguistic turn / Roper, Lyndal (1999)
  19. Das fromme Haus : Frauen und Moral in der Reformation / Roper, Lyndal (1999)
  20. Sexual utopianism in the German Reformation / Roper, Lyndal (1991)
  21. Sexualutopien in der deutschen Reformation / Roper, Lyndal (1991)
  22. The holy household : Women and morals in Reformation Augsburg / Roper, Lyndal (1989)
  23. Hexenzauber und Hexenfantasien im Deutschland der frühen Neuzeit / Roper, Lyndal (1997)
  24. "Wille" und "Ehre" : Sexualität, Sprache und Macht in Augsburger Kriminalprozessen / Roper, Lyndal (1990)
  25. Das fromme Haus : Frauen und Moral in der Reformation / Roper, Lyndal (1995)
  26. "The common man", "the common good", "common women" : Gender and meaning in the German Reformation commune / Roper, Lyndal (1987)
  27. Was there a crisis in gender relations in sixteenth century Germany? / Roper, Lyndal (1992)
  28. Männlichkeit und männliche Ehre / Roper, Lyndal (1992)
  29. Witchcraft and fantasy in early modern Germany / Roper, Lyndal (1991)
  30. Ödipus und der Teufel / Roper, Lyndal (1993)
  31. Gendered exchanges : Women and communication in sixteenth- century Germany / Roper, Lyndal (1992)
  32. "Wille" und "Ehre" : Sexualität, Sprache u. Macht in Augsburger Kriminalprozessen / Roper, Lyndal (1993)
  33. Kinder ausgraben, Kinder essen : Zur psychischen Dynamik von Hexenprozessen in Nördlingen / Roper, Lyndal (1997)
  34. "Going to church and street" : Weddings in Reformation Augsburg / Roper, Lyndal (1985)