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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 25

  1. 'The most difficult journey of all' : Willy Brandt's trip to Israel in june 1973 (2015)
  2. Cold War : an international history (2014)
  3. Ostpolitik, 1969 - 1974 : European and global responses / Fink, Carole; Schaefer, Bernd (2009)
  4. 'Ostpolitik' and the world, 1969 - 1974 : Introduction / Fink, Carole; Schaefer, Bernd (2009)
  5. 'Ostpolitik' and West German - Israeli relations / Fink, Carole (2009)
  6. Aristide Briand, la Société des Nations et la question des minorités / Fink, Carole (2007)
  7. 1956 Nineteenfiftysix : European and global perspectives / Fink, Carole; Hadler, Frank; Schramm, Tomasz (2006)
  8. Turning away from the past : West Germany and Israel, 1965 - 1967 / Fink, Carole (2006)
  9. 1956 : New perspectives ; An introduction / Fink, Carole; Hadler, Frank; Schramm, Tomasz (2006)
  10. Cold War culture and politics in Europe in 1956 / Fink, Carole (2006)
  11. A new historian? / Fink, Carole (2005)
  12. Defending the rights of others : The great powers, the Jews, and international minority protection, 1878 - 1938 / Fink, Carole (2004)
  13. West Germany and the Six-Day-War : The transformation of the special relationship with Israel / Fink, Carole (2001)
  14. 1968 Nineteenhundred and sixty-eight : The world transformed / Fink, Carole; Gassert, Philipp; Junker, Detlef (1998)
  15. Hans W. Gatzke, Germany, and the United States / Thimme, Annelise; Fink, Carole (1985)
  16. German nationalism and the European response, 1890-1945 / Fink, Carole; Hull, Isabel V.; Knox, Macgregor (1985)
  17. European politics and security at the Genoa Conference of 1922 / Fink, Carole (1985)
  18. The Genoa conference : Methods and results of conference diplomacy / Fink, Carole (1987)
  19. Prelude to the Holocaust? : The murder of Walther Rathenau / Fink, Carole (1996)
  20. L'établissement des frontières en Europe après les deux guerres mondiales = The establishment of European frontiers after the two world wars : Actes des colloques de Strasbourg et de Montréal (juin et septembre 1995) / Baechler, Christian; Fink, Carole (1996)
  21. Genoa, Rapallo, and European reconstruction in 1922 / Fink, Carole; Frohn, Axel; Heideking, Jürgen (1991)
  22. Beyond revisionism : The Genoa Conference of 1922 / Fink, Carole (1991)
  23. Germany and the polish elections of november 1930 : A study in league diplomacy / Fink, Carole (1981)
  24. Stresemann's minority policies, 1924-29 / Fink, Carole (1979)
  25. The Genoa conference : European diplomacy, 1921 - 1922 / Fink, Carole (1984)