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Personen GND: 113020325;

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 47

  1. Denunciations and Nazi Germany / Gellately, Robert (1997)
  2. Lenin, Stalin und Hitler : Drei Diktatoren, die Europa in den Abgrund führten / Gellately, Robert (2009)
  3. Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler : The age of social catastrophe / Gellately, Robert (2007)
  4. Les entretiens de Nuremberg / Goldensohn, Leon; Gellately, Robert (2005)
  5. The Nuremberg interviews : An American psychiatrist's conversations with the defendants and witnesses / Goldensohn, Leon; Gellately, Robert (2005)
  6. Social outsiders and the consolidation of Hitler's dictatorship, 1933 - 1939 / Gellately, Robert (2005)
  7. The Nuremberg interviews / Goldensohn, Leon; Gellately, Robert (2004)
  8. Die Nürnberger Interviews : Gespräche mit Angeklagten und Zeugen / Goldensohn, Leon; Gellately, Robert (2005)
  9. Avec Hitler : Les allemands et leur Führer / Gellately, Robert (2003)
  10. Hingeschaut und weggesehen : Hitler und sein Volk / Gellately, Robert (2004)
  11. Kdo podporoval Hitlera : Společenský souhlas a režeimní nátlak v nacistickém Německu / Gellately, Robert (2003)
  12. The Third Reich, the Holocaust, and visions of serial genocide / Gellately, Robert (2003)
  13. The specter of genocide : Mass murder in historical perspective / Gellately, Robert; Kiernan, Ben (2003)
  14. The study of mass murder and Genocide / Gellately, Robert; Kiernan, Ben (2003)
  15. Hingeschaut und weggesehen : Hitler und sein Volk / Gellately, Robert (2003)
  16. Social outsiders and the construction of the community of the people / Gellately, Robert; Stoltzfus, Nathan (2001)
  17. Social outsiders in Nazi Germany / Gellately, Robert; Stoltzfus, Nathan (2001)
  18. Hingeschaut und weggesehen : Hitler und sein Volk / Gellately, Robert (2002)
  19. Police justice, popular justice, and social outsiders in Nazi Germany : The example of Polish foreign workers / Gellately, Robert (2001)
  20. Denunciation as a subject of historical research / Gellately, Robert (2001)
  21. Backing Hitler : Consent and coercion in Nazi Germany / Gellately, Robert (2001)
  22. Surveillance and disobedience : Aspects of the political policing of Nazi Germany / Gellately, Robert (1999)
  23. Introduction to the practices of denunciation in modern European history / Fitzpatrick, Sheila; Gellately, Robert (1996)
  24. Denunciations and Nazi Germany : New insights and methodological problems / Gellately, Robert (1997)
  25. Denunciations in twentieth-century Germany : Aspects of self-policing in the Third Reich and the German Democratic Republic / Gellately, Robert (1996)
  26. Situating the "SS-state" in a social-historical context : Recent histories of the SS, the police, and the courts in the Third Reich / Gellately, Robert (1992)
  27. Gestapo und Terror : Perspektiven auf d. Sozialgesch. d. nat.soz. Herrsch.systems / Gellately, Robert (1992)
  28. The Gestapo and German society : Political denunciation in the Gestapo case files / Gellately, Robert (1988)
  29. Surveillance and disobedience : Aspects of the political policing of Nazi Germany / Gellately, Robert (1990)
  30. The prerogatives of confinement in Germany, 1933-1945 : "Protective custody" and other police strategies / Gellately, Robert (1996)
  31. L'emergence de la "Polizeijustiz" dans l'Allemagne nazie / Gellately, Robert (1997)
  32. "In den Klauen der Gestapo" : Die Bedeutung von Denunziationen für d. nat.soz. Terrorsystem / Gellately, Robert (1992)
  33. Accusatory practices : Denunciation in modern European history, 1789-1989 / Fitzpatrick, Sheila; Gellately, Robert (1997)
  34. Denunciations in twentieth-century Germany : Aspects of self-policing in the Third Reich and the German Democratic Republic / Gellately, Robert (1997)
  35. Die Gestapo und die deutsche Gesellschaft : Zur Entstehungsgeschichte einer selbständigen Gesellschaft / Gellately, Robert (1997)
  36. Rethinking the Nazi terror system : A historiographical analysis / Gellately, Robert (1991)
  37. Pal achter Hitler : Openheid en oderdrukking in Nazi-Duitsland / Gellately, Robert (2001)
  38. Enforcing racial policy in Nazi Germany / Gellately, Robert (1993)
  39. Die Gestapo und die "öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung" / Gellately, Robert (1993)
  40. Allwissend und allgegenwärtig? : Entstehung, Funktion und Wandel des Gestapo-Mythos / Gellately, Robert (1996)
  41. The Gestapo and German society : Enforcing radical policy 1933-1945 / Gellately, Robert (1990)
  42. Die Gestapo und die deutsche Gesellschaft : Die Durchsetzung d. Rassenpol. 1933-1945 / Gellately, Robert (1993)
  43. / Gellately, Robert (1979)
  44. Problems of modern anti-semitism in Germany / Gellately, Robert (1978)
  45. Die Gestapo und die deutsche Gesellschaft : Die Durchsetzung d. Rassenpol. 1933-1945 / Gellately, Robert (1994)
  46. / Gellately, Robert (1981)
  47. The politics of economic despair : Shopkeepers and German politics 1890-1914 / Gellately, Robert (1974)