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Personen GND: 1059123363;

Suchzeit: 0,03 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 10

  1. Buchenwald stories : testimony, military history, and the American encounter with the Holocaust (2015)
  2. "The most beautiful spot on God's green earth" : archives, microhistory, and the story of Europe's DPs (2015)
  3. The wild place : DP Camp Wildflecken, refugees, and life in transit (2014)
  4. The driftwood of war : the US army, expellees, and West German society, 1945-52 / Seipp, Adam R. (2013)
  5. Strangers in the wild place : refugees, Americans, and a German town, 1945 - 1952 / Seipp, Adam R. (2013)
  6. Refugee town : Germans, Americans, and the uprooted in rural West Germany, 1945 - 1952 / Seipp, Adam R. (2009)
  7. A reasonable "Yes" : The social Democrats and West German rearmament, 1945 - 1956 / Seipp, Adam R. (2011)
  8. The ordeal of peace : Demobilization and the urban experience in Britain and Germany, 1917-1921 / Seipp, Adam R. (2009)
  9. 'An immeasurable sacrifice of blood and treasure' : Demobilization, reciprocity, and the politics of the streets in Munich and Manchester, 1917 - 1921 / Seipp, Adam R. (2007)
  10. 'Scapegoats for a lost war' : Demobilisation, the Kapp Putsch, and the politics of the streets in Munich, 1919 - 1920 / Seipp, Adam R. (2006)