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Personen GND: 1057214167;

Suchzeit: 0,02 Sekunden

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Anzahl der Ergebnisse: 5

  1. The German model of laboratory science and the European periphery (1860 - 1914) (2015)
  2. Jesuit science in the Spanish Netherlands (2003)
  3. Science for sale : The metropolitan stimulus for scientific achievements in sixteenth-century Antwerp / Vanpaemel, Geert (2001)
  4. Mercator and the scientific renaissance at the university of Leuven (1995)
  5. Album van een wetenschappelijke wereld : De Leuvense universiteit omstreeks 1900 / Vanpaemel, Geert; Derez, Mark; Tollebeek, Jo (2012)