Einträge zu dem Titel "'Denkmalsturz' : The German student movement and German colonialism / Cornils, Ingo (2011)":

[Allegro-Code Code Beschreibung] Inhalt
[00 Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] u200278176a
[20 Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] 'Denkmalsturz' : The German student movement and German colonialism
[31 Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] Denkmäler > Gedenktafel; Monumente; Denkmalpolitik > Erinnerungskultur
Geschichtsbild > Geschichtspolitik
Studentenbewegungen > Studentenproteste; Studentenrevolten; Studentenunruhen > Politische Bewegungen; Achtundsechziger
Vergangenheitsbewältigung > Erinnerungskultur
Kolonialkriege > Kriege > Nur für die Zeit des Imperialismus. Stellung: 02.7; 05.3
[31g diverse Spezialschlagwörter] Hamburg (JDG | GND)
[31p diverse Spezialschlagwörter] 00407545
[37 Sprache(n) des Textes] eng
[40 Hauptverfasser] Cornils, Ingo (JDG | GND)
[708 Detaillierte Quellenangaben Seiten] 197-212
[76 Erscheinungsjahr] 2011
[84 Sachtitel des übergeordn. Werkes [/ Verf.Name] [ ; Zählung] ode _IdNr des übergeordneten Werkes] bsb11817094
German colonialism and national identity / Zimmerer, Jürgen; Heady, Katy 2011
Introduction : German colonialism and national identity / Perraudin, Michael; Zimmerer, Jürgen 2011
Imperialism, race, and genocide at the 'Paulskirche' / Vick, Brian 2011
Time, identity and colonialism in German travel writing on Africa, 1848 - 1914 / Reimann-Dawe, Tracey 2011
Gray zones : On the inclusion of "Poland" in the study of German colonialism / Kopp, Kristin 2011
The war that scarcely was : The 'Berliner Morgenpost' and the boxer uprising / Lü, Yixu 2011
Boy's and girl's own empires : Gender and the uses of the colonial world in 'Kaiserreich' youth magazines / Bowersox, Jeff 2011
Picturing genocide in German consumer culture, 1904 - 10 / Ciarlo, David 2011
The visual representation of blackness during German imperialism around 1900 / Langbehn, Volker 2011
Colonialism and the simplification of language : Germany's 'Kolonial-Deutsch' Experiment / Orosz, Kenneth J. 2011
Fraternity, frenzy, and genocide in German war literature, 1906 - 36 / Lehmann, Jörg 2011
Colonial heroes : German colonial identities in wartime, 1914 - 18 / Pesek, Michael 2011
Crossing boundaries : German women in Africa, 1919 - 33 / Schilling, Britta 2011
Abuses of German colonial history : The character of Carl Peters as a weapon for 'völkisch' and national socialist discourses: Anglophobia, Anti-Semitism, Aryanism / Kpao Sarè, Constant 2011
"Loyal askari" and "black rapist" : Two images in the German discourse on national identity and their impact on the lives of black people in Germany, 1918 - 45 / Lewerenz, Susann 2011
(Post-)colonial amnesia? : German debates on colonialism and decolonization on the post-war era / Albrecht, Monika 2011
'Vergangenheitsbewältigung à la française' : Post-colonial memories of the Herero genocide and 17 october 1961 / Jones, Kathryn 2011
The persistence of fantasies : Colonialism as melodrama on German television / Struck, Wolfgang 2011
Communal memory events and the heritage of the victims : The persistence of the theme of genocide in Namibia / Kössler, Reinhart 2011
The genocide in "German South-West Africa" and the politics of commemoration : How (not) to come to terms with the past / Melber, Henning 2011
The struggle for genocidal exclusivity : The perception of the murder of the Namibian Herero (1904-8) in the age of a new international morality / Schaller, Dominik J. 2011
Narratives of a "model colony" : German Togoland in written and oral histories / Laumann, Dennis 2011
Suspended between worlds? : The discipline of 'Germanistik' in Sub-Saharan Africa / Witte, Arnd 2011
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[94 Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] 2011
[94f ] jak D20110119
[94i ] bec D20110119
[94o ] BBAW
[99e Änderungsdatum] 20150209/13:10:56-822740/86 obar
[99n Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] 20110113/15:53:12 rff