Einträge zu dem Titel "Forms and methods of struggle of the monarcho-fascist authorities against the antifascist forces / Dochev, Donko (1979)":

[Allegro-Code Code Beschreibung] Inhalt
[00 Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] rn790334
[15 ] 308312/24
[20 Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] Forms and methods of struggle of the monarcho-fascist authorities against the antifascist forces
[37 Sprache(n) des Textes] eng
[40 Hauptverfasser] Dochev, Donko
[708 Detaillierte Quellenangaben Seiten] 409-414
[76 Erscheinungsjahr] 1979
[84 Sachtitel des übergeordn. Werkes [/ Verf.Name] [ ; Zählung] ode _IdNr des übergeordneten Werkes] rn788753
Antifascist resistance of the European countries members of the tripartie pact 1939-1945 : International colloquium, May 27-28, 1978, Sofia / kein Autor 1979
The strategy, the tactics, the stages and the significance of the armed struggle in Bulgaria 1941-1944 / Gornensky, Nikifor 1979
The bourgeois opposition bloc / Dimitrov, Ilcho 1979
The antifascist resistance in Bulgaria / Sirkov, Dimitar 1979
The cooperation between the Bulgarian and the Greek antifascists during the Second world war / Sheterev, Pantaley 1979
The unification of the antifascist forces in Bulgaria 1941-1944 / Petrov, Stoyan 1979
The Bulgarian-Yugoslav cooperation in the antifascist struggle during the period of the second world war (1941-1944) / Rachev, Stoyan 1979
The participation of the Bulgarian people's army in the final stage of the Second world war in Europe / Batalski, Georgi 1979
Der Kinderblock im Konzentrationslager Buchenwald / Drobisch, Klaus 1979
Regularities of the antifascist struggle in the European countries of the tripartite pact during the Second world war / Vassilev, Kiril 1979
Zur deutschen antifaschistischen Widerstandsbewegung während des Zweiten Weltkrieges / Lange, Dieter 1979
La résistance en Italie / Vaccarino, G. 1979
Le régime de Vichy et la résistance / Michel, Henri 1979
Vlijanie pobed sovetskoj armii na aktivizaciju antifašistkoj borby narodov / Semirjaga, M. I. 1979
Stages of the antifascist movement in the European countries of the fascist bloc 1939-1945 / Nestorov, Christo 1979
La participation des Polonais à la résistance italienne / Sierpowski, Stanisław 1979
Borba rumynskogo naroda protiv gospodstva fašistskoj Germanii / Fëtu, Michaj 1979
Antifascist movement in Slovakia during the Second world war / Svobodova, Jana 1979
Geistiger Widerstand in Ungarn während des Zweiten Weltkrieges / Juhász, Gyula 1979
Vklad narodno-osvoboditel' noj borby Jugoslavii v dviženie soprotivlenija stran trojstvennogo paktea / Glišič, Venceslav 1979
Some question on the armed partisan struggle in the towns and other settlements in the countries of the tripartite pact during the Second world war / Stoynov, Boris 1979
Die Opposition in Finnland während des Krieges / Soikkanen, Hannu 1979
Partizanskoe dviženie v Sovetskom Sojuze v gody Velikoj otečestvennoj vojny / Babakov, A. A. 1979
The antifascist forces in the Bulgarian army during the Second world war / Nedev, Nediu 1979
The people's september ninth uprising 1944 / Petrova, Slavka 1979
British relations with antifascist groups in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary / Barker, Elisabeth 1979
Bulgarians - soldiers in the Soviet armed forces during the Great patriotic war of the USSR / Beloussov, Nikolay 1979
The participation of Bulgarians in the antifascist resistance of the westeuropean countries / Stephanov, Christo 1979
The German armed forces and the Bulgarian antifascist resistance 1941-1944 / Bozhinov, Voyn; Markov, Georgy 1979
The intelligentsia and the antifascist resistance / Domouschiev, Ivan 1979
The resistance in Austria 1938-1944 / Steiner, Herbert 1979
[90 [Standort]Signatur[ = Magazinsignatur]] O 10.05.02
[92a ] J
[92c ] 06
[94 Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] 1978/79:08312/24
[94r ] Unredigierte Aufnahme aus Retrokonversion
[96 frei verwendbar (z.B. bibliotheksspezifische Daten)] BT
[99n Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] 20020529