Einträge zu dem Titel "The Edinburgh critical history of the nineteenth-century philosophy / Stone, Alison (2011)":

[Allegro-Code Code Beschreibung] Inhalt
[00 Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] b961012695b
Introduction : Philosophy in the nineteenth century / Stone, Alison 2011
The new Spinozism / Di Giovanni, George 2011
The absolute in German idealism and romanticism / Nassar, Dalia 2011
The question of romanticism / Norman, Judith; Welchman, Alistair 2011
The hermeneutic turn in philosophy of nature in the nineteenth century / Huneman, Philippe 2011
Idealism and naturalism in the nineteenth century / Gardner, Sebastian 2011
Faith and knowledge / Pattison, George 2011
Philosophising history : Distinguishing history as a discipline / Connelly, James 2011
Genealogy as immanent critique : Working from the inside / Guay, Robert 2011
The unconscious in the German philosophy and psychology in the nineteenth century / Gödde, Günter 2011
Individuality, radical politics and the metaphor of the machine / Zakaras, Alex 2011
The rise of the social / Outhwaite, William 2011
Theory and practice of revolution in the nineteenth century / Blackledge, Paul 2011
Nihilism in the nineteenth century : From absolute subjectivity to superhumanity / Gillespie, Michael 2011
Repetition and recurrence : Putting metaphysics in motion / Carlisle, Clare 2011
Nineteenth-century philosophy in the twentieth century and beyond / Bowie, Andrew 2011
[20 Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] The Edinburgh critical history of the nineteenth-century philosophy
[31 Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] Geistesleben > Geistige Strömungen; Geistiges Leben; Intellektuelles Leben > Kultur
Philosophie > Philosophen; Philosophinnen; Theoretische Philosophie; Praktische Philosophie
[37 Sprache(n) des Textes] eng
[39 Verfasserangabe (Personen u. Körperschaften)] Ed. by Alison Stone
[41 Herausgeber] Stone, Alison
[74 Erscheinungsort(e)] Edinburgh
[75 Verlag(e)] Edinburgh Univ. Press
[76 Erscheinungsjahr] 2011
[77 Umfangsangabe : Illustr. + Begleitmaterial ; Format] VIII, 344 S.
[87 ISBN] 978-0-7486-3566-5
[89 Andere IdNummern] OBVAC08514257
[8e Elektronische Adresse (URL etc.)]
[902 ] aK n11.2
[903 ] aL n12.1
[904 ] 0
[905 ] DA
[906 ] SB
[91 Zugangs- oder Inventarnummer] 1a
[92a ] F
[92b ] G
[92c ] 13
[92d ] 14
[94 Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] 2011
[94f ] rff D20111102
[94i ] bec D20111101
[94o ] 1a
[99e Änderungsdatum] 20130419/08:45:47-266031/1085 obec
[99K ] 20130422/07:55:55-266031/1103
[99n Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] 20111020/13:33:02 bar
[99Z ] 19110530
[99z ] 19111010