Einträge zu dem Titel "The text and its context : Studies in modern German literature and society ; Presented to Ronald Speirs on the occasion of his 65th birthday / Harris, Nigel; Sayner, Joanne (2008)":

[Allegro-Code Code Beschreibung] Inhalt
[00 Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] b961003728b
Thomas Mann, Thomas Carlyle, and Frederick the Great / Ashton, Rosemary 2008
'Use well the interval' : Thomas Mann's essay 'Der alte Fontane' and the topos of old age / Bance, Alan 2008
Literature and the politics of exile : The case of Bernard von Brentano / Butler, Michael 2008
The child bride : Engagements 1890s-style in Fontane, Böhlau, Ebner-Eschenbach, and Huch / Chambers, Helen 2008
'... dem Kaiser gegeben was des Kaisers ist' : Walter Benjamin's reading of Dolf Sternberger's 'Tempel der Kunst' (1937) / Dodd, Bill 2008
Drafting the self : The poet as reformer and performer in J.M.R. Lenz's 'Berkaer Projekt' / Griffiths, Elystan; Hill, David 2008
Zweistimmige Sätze : Büchners 'Danton's Tod' / Hiebel, Hans H. 2008
'Er spielt ein so verwickeltes Spiel' (Wilhelm Liebknecht) : Literary representations of the association between Ferdinand Lassalle and Otto von Bismarck / Kane, Martin 2008
Encouragement for the 'Other Germany'? : Stefan Andres's publications in the 'Krakauer Zeitung' 1940 - 1943 / Klapper, John 2008
Three models of the poem-picture relationship in the work of Bertolt Brecht / Kuhn, Tom 2008
Thomas Mann's 'Mario und der Zauberer' : 'Simply a story of human affairs' / Martin, Nicholas 2008
'Man zerlegt den Elefanten, aber man sieht ihn nicht' : Hans Henny Jahnn, Oskar Loerke und ein Debüt / Meyer, Jochen 2008
Equivalence, parallelism, reflection : Burckhardt, Hodler, and Conrad Ferdinand Meyer between historicism and modernism / Osborne, John 2008
Max Zimmering's 'Unfreiwillige Weltreise' / Ritchie, J. M. 2008
Seeing with new eyes : Vision and the short story in German naturalism / Stewart, Mary E. 2008
Brecht and the onslaught on tragedy / Swales, Martin 2008
'Böhmen am Meer', 'Bohemien mit Heimweh' : Franz Fühmann's competing identities and his tribute to 'Tonio Kröger' / Tate, Dennis 2008
Nietzsche and Wagner : The fate of a friendship and the project of cultural renewal / Will, Wilfried van der 2008
Representations of the heroic maiden : Eleonore Prochaska in nineteenth-century German literature / Watanabe-O'Kelly, Helen 2008
Mi-en-leh's progeny : Some of Brecht's early theatrical parables and their political contexts / White, John; White, Ann 2008
Ronald Speirs : Principal publications / kein Autor 2008
[20 Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] The text and its context : Studies in modern German literature and society ; Presented to Ronald Speirs on the occasion of his 65th birthday
[31 Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] Literatur > Fabeln; Dramen; Romane; Volksbücher; Prosa; Epik; Essay; Mären; Märendichtung > Kunst; Schriftsteller; Schriftstellerinnen
[31p diverse Spezialschlagwörter] (DE-588)137495153
[37 Sprache(n) des Textes] eng
[39 Verfasserangabe (Personen u. Körperschaften)] Nigel Harris and Joanne Sayner (eds)
[41 Herausgeber] Harris, Nigel (JDG | GND)
[412 Herausgeber] Sayner, Joanne
[74 Erscheinungsort(e)] Oxford u.a.
[75 Verlag(e)] Peter Lang
[76 Erscheinungsjahr] 2008
[77 Umfangsangabe : Illustr. + Begleitmaterial ; Format] 356 S.
[87 ISBN] 978-3-03910-928-9
[902 ] aA n12.4
[903 ] aJ n12.4
[904 ] 1
[905 ] FS
[906 ] SB
[91 Zugangs- oder Inventarnummer] 1a: 1 A 741191
[92a ] A
[92b ] D
[92c ] 14
[92d ] 14
[94 Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] 2009
[94f ] ba D20090924
[94i ] sch
[94o ] 1a
[99e Änderungsdatum] 20141126/12:28:48-302845/258 obar
[99K ] 20141127/09:45:33-769110/517
[99n Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] 20090916/14:23:16 rff