[Allegro-Code | Code Beschreibung] | Inhalt |
[00 | Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] |
b960999573b Civil society gendered : Rethinking theories and practices / Hagemann, Karen 2008 Dilemmas of gender justice : Gendering equity, justice, and recognition / Wecker, Regina 2008 The city and the 'citoyenne' : Associational culture and female civic virtues in nineteenth-century Germany / Mettele, Gisela 2008 Feminists campaigns in "public space" : Civil society, gender justice, and the history of European feminism / Offen, Karen 2008 The family : A core institution of civil society ; A perspective on the middle classes in imperial Germany / Budde, Gunilla 2008 "Only connect" : Family, gender, and civil society in twentieth-century Europe and North America / Ginsborg, Paul A. 2008 Necessary confrontations : Gender, civil society, and the politics of food in eighteenth- to twentieth-century Germany / Gailus, Manfred 2008 Civil society in a new key? : Feminist and alternative groups in 1960s-1970s West Germany / Davis, Belinda 2008 "Bringing the state back in" : Civl society, women's movements, and the state / Sauer, Birgit 2008 |
[20 | Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] | Civil society and gender justice : Historical and comparative perspectives |
[31 | Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] |
Frauen > Mädchen Geschlechterbeziehungen Zivilgesellschaft > Bürgerliche Gesellschaft; Bürgergesellschaft; Zivilität > Gesellschaft |
[31g | diverse Spezialschlagwörter] | Großbritannien; 00391743; 00360209; Osteuropa (JDG | GND) |
[37 | Sprache(n) des Textes] | eng |
[39 | Verfasserangabe (Personen u. Körperschaften)] | Ed. by Karen Hagemann, Sonya Michel, and Gunilla Budde |
[41 | Herausgeber] | Hagemann, Karen (JDG | GND) |
[412 | Herausgeber] | Michel, Sonya |
[413 | Herausgeber] | Budde, Gunilla (JDG | GND) |
[74 | Erscheinungsort(e)] | New York ; Oxford |
[75 | Verlag(e)] | Berghahn Books |
[76 | Erscheinungsjahr] | 2008 |
[77 | Umfangsangabe : Illustr. + Begleitmaterial ; Format] | XI, 324 S. |
[85 | Gesamttitel (Serientitel) ; Zählung oder _Ident ; Zählung] | European civil society |
[87 | ISBN] | 978-1-84545-437-1 |
[8z | ] | http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/rezensionen/2009-3-124 |
[902 | ] | aJ n09.4 |
[903 | ] | n04.1 |
[904 | ] | 0 |
[905 | ] | DA |
[906 | ] | SB |
[91 | Zugangs- oder Inventarnummer] | 1a: 1 A 704887 |
[92a | ] | D |
[92c | ] | 11 |
[92d | ] | 06 |
[94 | Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] | 2008 |
[94f | ] | gri D20081112 |
[94o | ] | 1a |
[99e | Änderungsdatum] | 20151019/11:49:29-487841/75 obar |
[99K | ] | 20150206/17:14:28-247149/1131 |
[99n | Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] | 20081110/10:33:35 jak |