[Allegro-Code | Code Beschreibung] | Inhalt |
[00 | Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] |
b960993454b Tiere in den langobardischen und süddeutschen 'Leges' / Krah, Adelheid 2007 The dog in German courtly literature : The mystical, the magical, and the loyal animal / Classen, Albrecht 2007 Cats and cat-skinning in late medieval art and life / Jones, Malcom H. 2007 The camel in medieval literature : Perspectives and meanings / Harris, Nigel 2007 Archaeological evidence for the use of plants in the medieval German Empire in special consideration of gardens and possibilities of their exploitation / Kühn, Marlu 2007 'Artemisia' : An example for pharmacobotanical history in medieval treatises on plants / Helmstaedter, Gerhard 2007 In the paradise of love : Medieval love gardens ; Topography and iconography / Grebe, Anja 2007 The Churwalden (CH) earthquake of september 1295 / Schwarz-Zanetti, Gabriela 2007 The Alps in middle high German epics : Aspects of their description in 'King Laurien' and 'Virginal' / Dorninger, Maria E. 2007 |
[20 | Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] | Fauna and flora in the middle ages : Studies of the medieval environment and its impact of the human mind ; Papers delivered at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, in 2000, 2001 and 2002 |
[31 | Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] |
Botanik > Anatomie (Botanik) Tiere Umwelt > Umweltverschmutzung |
[37 | Sprache(n) des Textes] | eng |
[39 | Verfasserangabe (Personen u. Körperschaften)] | Sieglinde Hartmann (ed.) |
[41 | Herausgeber] | Hartmann, Sieglinde |
[74 | Erscheinungsort(e)] | Frankfurt/M. u.a. |
[75 | Verlag(e)] | Lang |
[76 | Erscheinungsjahr] | 2007 |
[77 | Umfangsangabe : Illustr. + Begleitmaterial ; Format] | 323 S. : Ill., Kt., Tab. |
[85 | Gesamttitel (Serientitel) ; Zählung oder _Ident ; Zählung] | Beihefte zur Mediaevistik ; 8 |
[87 | ISBN] | 978-3-631-56302-1 |
[902 | ] | aB n09.7 |
[904 | ] | 0 |
[905 | ] | DA |
[906 | ] | SB |
[91 | Zugangs- oder Inventarnummer] | 1a 1 A 634648 |
[92a | ] | C |
[92c | ] | 11 |
[94 | Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] | 2007 |
[94f | ] | jak D20070807 |
[94i | ] | sch |
[94o | ] | 1a |
[99e | Änderungsdatum] | 20080530/09:12:18 |
[99n | Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] | 20070711/09:57:50 gri |