[Allegro-Code | Code Beschreibung] | Inhalt |
[00 | Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] |
b960985993a Anti-Americanism and Americanization / Berman, Russell A. 2005 Counter-Americanism and critical currents in West German reconstruction 1945 - 1960 : The German lesson confronts the American way of life / Ermarth, Michael 2005 Saigon, Nuremberg, and the West : German images of America in the late 1960s / Greiner, Bernd 2005 Resisting Boogie-Woogie culture, abstract expressionism, and Pop Art : German highbrow objections to the import of "American" forms of culture, 1945 - 1965 / Hermand, Jost 2005 From nightmare to model? : Why German broadcasting became americanized / Maase, Kaspar 2005 Learning from America : Reconstructing "race" in postwar Germany / Fehrenbach, Heide 2005 Cinematic Americanization of the Holocaust in Germany : Whose memory is it? / Bathrick, David 2005 Anti-Americanism and the Cold War : On the DEFA Berlin films / Hake, Sabine 2005 German cinema face to face with Hollywood : Looking into a two-way mirror / Elsaesser, Thomas 2005 |
[20 | Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] | Americanization and Anti-Americanization : The German encounter with American culture after 1945 |
[31 | Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] |
Amerikanisierung > Kulturbeziehungen Antiamerikanismus Kultur |
[31g | diverse Spezialschlagwörter] | 00360209 |
[37 | Sprache(n) des Textes] | eng |
[39 | Verfasserangabe (Personen u. Körperschaften)] | Ed. by Alexander Stephan |
[41 | Herausgeber] | Stephan, Alexander |
[74 | Erscheinungsort(e)] | New York ; Oxford |
[75 | Verlag(e)] | Berghahn Books |
[76 | Erscheinungsjahr] | 2005 |
[77 | Umfangsangabe : Illustr. + Begleitmaterial ; Format] | 294 S. : Tab. |
[87 | ISBN] | 1-57181-673-9 |
[8z | ] | http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/rezensionen/2005-3-121 |
[902 | ] | aR n12.0 |
[903 | ] | aQ |
[904 | ] | 1 |
[905 | ] | DA |
[906 | ] | SB |
[91 | Zugangs- oder Inventarnummer] | 1a: 1 A 580 244 |
[92a | ] | L |
[92b | ] | K |
[92c | ] | 14 |
[93 | Inhaltsangabe (Kapitel, Bestandteile)] | Quelle: H-Soz-Kult |
[94 | Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] | 2005 |
[94f | ] | erl |
[94i | ] | ber |
[94o | ] | BBAW |
[96 | frei verwendbar (z.B. bibliotheksspezifische Daten)] | SB |
[99e | Änderungsdatum] | 20060220/10:02:38 |
[99n | Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] | 20051212/15:30:18 |
[M0m | ] | Ehemals Datei 204 |