Einträge zu dem Titel "Jewish emancipation in Britain and Germany / Rürup, Reinhard (1999)":

[Allegro-Code Code Beschreibung] Inhalt
[00 Identifikationsnummer[+BandNr[+TeilNr[+...]]][=Bandbezeichnung]] 00292142
[15w ] cd00292044
[20 Hauptsachtitel. Körperschaftliche Ergänzung : Zusatz] Jewish emancipation in Britain and Germany
[31 Schlagwörter, Thesaurusbegriffe] Judenemanzipation
[37 Sprache(n) des Textes] eng
[40 Hauptverfasser] Rürup, Reinhard (JDG | GND)
[708 Detaillierte Quellenangaben Seiten] 49-61
[76 Erscheinungsjahr] 1999
[84 Sachtitel des übergeordn. Werkes [/ Verf.Name] [ ; Zählung] ode _IdNr des übergeordneten Werkes] 00282047
Aspects of the Jewish business elite in Britain and Germany / Cassis, Youssef 1999
The social acceptability of Jews in Germany, Austria and Great Britain : A comment on Niall Ferguson / Mommsen, Wolfgang J. 1999
Jews in the medical profession in Britain and Germany : Problems of comparison / Weindling, Paul 1999
Was there an English parallel to the German 'Haskalah' / Ruderman, David B. 1999
Two nations : British and German Jews in comparative perspective / Brenner, Michael; Liedtke, Rainer; Rechter, David; Mosse, Werner E. 1999
Jewish religious reform in Germany and Britain / Meyer, Michael A. 1999
Jewish feminist organisations in Britain and Germany at the turn of the century / Tananbaum, Susan L. 1999
"The Caucasian Royal Family" : The Rothschilds in national contexts / Ferguson, Niall 1999
East European Jewish migration : Germany and Britain / Gartner, Lloyd P. 1999
Integration and separation : Jewish welfare in Hamburg and Manchester in the nineteenth century / Liedtke, Rainer 1999
Jewish self-hatred and the dialectics of assimilation : A comment on Todd M. Endelman / kein Autor 1999
Jewish self-hatred in Britain and Germany / Endelman, Todd M. 1999
Comparing antisemitism : A useful exercise? / Kushner, Tony 1999
The representation of Jews in British and German literature : A comparison / Robertson, Ritchie 1999
Jewish enlighteners and Jewish enlightenment : A comment on David B. Ruderman / Gotzmann, Andreas 1999
The Jewishness of conservative politicians : Disraeli and Stahl / Feuchtwanger, Edgar 1999
Zionism in Britain and Germany : A comparison / Wendehorst, Stephan 1999
The Jews and the German state in the Wilhelmine era / Clark, Christopher M. 1999
British Jews, German Jews : Civic culture vs. civil service culture / Weisbrod, Bernd 1999
Jewish culture in the show case : Preserving Jewish culture and history in Germany / Krohn, Helga 1999
[90 [Standort]Signatur[ = Magazinsignatur]] K 02.03.01
[90a ] K 11.07
[92a ] F
[92c ] 04
[92d ] 11
[94 Verknüpfung zu externen Ressourcen] 1999
[94o ] 1a
[96 frei verwendbar (z.B. bibliotheksspezifische Daten)] BT
[99e Änderungsdatum] 20141007/10:07:23-745161/403 obar
[99n Zugangsdatum (Erfassungsdatum)] 20000107/09:45:58
[99w ] 20050803